Takashi Mizokawa
Takashi Mizokawa
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Electronic structure of studied by photoemission and x-ray-absorption spectroscopy
T Saitoh, AE Bocquet, T Mizokawa, H Namatame, A Fujimori, M Abbate, ...
Physical Review B 51 (20), 13942, 1995
Electronic structure of 3d-transition-metal compounds by analysis of the 2p core-level photoemission spectra
AE Bocquet, T Mizokawa, T Saitoh, H Namatame, A Fujimori
Physical Review B 46 (7), 3771, 1992
Electronic structure and orbital ordering in perovskite-type 3d transition-metal oxides studied by Hartree-Fock band-structure calculations
T Mizokawa, A Fujimori
Physical Review B 54 (8), 5368, 1996
Electronic structure of and related Fe perovskite oxides
AE Bocquet, A Fujimori, T Mizokawa, T Saitoh, H Namatame, S Suga, ...
Physical Review B 45 (4), 1561, 1992
Doping-dependent evolution of the electronic structure of in the superconducting and metallic phases
A Ino, C Kim, M Nakamura, T Yoshida, T Mizokawa, A Fujimori, ZX Shen, ...
Physical Review B 65 (9), 094504, 2002
Electronic structure of early 3d-transition-metal oxides by analysis of the 2p core-level photoemission spectra
AE Bocquet, T Mizokawa, K Morikawa, A Fujimori, SR Barman, K Maiti, ...
Physical Review B 53 (3), 1161, 1996
Electronic structure and temperature-induced paramagnetism in
T Saitoh, T Mizokawa, A Fujimori, M Abbate, Y Takeda, M Takano
Physical Review B 55 (7), 4257, 1997
Metallic Behavior of Lightly Doped with a Fermi Surface Forming an Arc
T Yoshida, XJ Zhou, T Sasagawa, WL Yang, PV Bogdanov, A Lanzara, ...
Physical review letters 91 (2), 027001, 2003
Core-level photoemission study of
J Okabayashi, A Kimura, O Rader, T Mizokawa, A Fujimori, T Hayashi, ...
Physical Review B 58 (8), R4211, 1998
Excitonic Insulator State in Probed by Photoemission Spectroscopy
Y Wakisaka, T Sudayama, K Takubo, T Mizokawa, M Arita, H Namatame, ...
Physical review letters 103 (2), 026402, 2009
Orbitally induced Peierls state in spinels
DI Khomskii, T Mizokawa
Physical review letters 94 (15), 156402, 2005
Chemical Potential Shift in Overdoped and Underdoped
A Ino, T Mizokawa, A Fujimori, K Tamasaku, H Eisaki, S Uchida, T Kimura, ...
Physical review letters 79 (11), 2101, 1997
Spin and charge ordering in self-doped Mott insulators
T Mizokawa, DI Khomskii, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 61 (17), 11263, 2000
Interplay between orbital ordering and lattice distortions in and
T Mizokawa, DI Khomskii, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 60 (10), 7309, 1999
Spin-Orbit Coupling in the Mott Insulator
T Mizokawa, LH Tjeng, GA Sawatzky, G Ghiringhelli, O Tjernberg, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (7), 077202, 2001
Electronic structure of in the vicinity of the superconductor-insulator transition
A Ino, C Kim, M Nakamura, T Yoshida, T Mizokawa, ZX Shen, A Fujimori, ...
Physical Review B 62 (6), 4137, 2000
Origin of the band gap in the negative charge-transfer-energy compound
T Mizokawa, H Namatame, A Fujimori, K Akeyama, H Kondoh, H Kuroda, ...
Physical review letters 67 (12), 1638, 1991
Switching Redox-Active Sites by Valence Tautomerism in Prussian Blue Analogues AxMny[Fe(CN)6nH2O (A: K, Rb): Robust Frameworks for Reversible Li …
M Okubo, D Asakura, Y Mizuno, JD Kim, T Mizokawa, T Kudo, I Honma
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (14), 2063-2071, 2010
Electronic structure of the oxide-diluted magnetic semiconductor
T Mizokawa, T Nambu, A Fujimori, T Fukumura, M Kawasaki
Physical Review B 65 (8), 085209, 2002
Electronic structure and magnetic states in studied by photoemission and x-ray-absorption spectroscopy
T Saitoh, T Mizokawa, A Fujimori, M Abbate, Y Takeda, M Takano
Physical Review B 56 (3), 1290, 1997
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