Robert Schick
Robert Schick
Marine Geospatial Ecology Laboratory, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Graph models of habitat mosaics
DL Urban, ES Minor, EA Treml, RS Schick
Ecology Letters 12 (3), 260-273, 2009
Understanding movement data and movement processes: current and emerging directions
RS Schick, SR Loarie, F Colchero, BD Best, A Boustany, DA Conde, ...
Ecology Letters 11 (12), 1338-1350, 2008
Understanding the population consequences of disturbance
E Pirotta, CG Booth, DP Costa, E Fleishman, SD Kraus, D Lusseau, ...
Ecology and Evolution 8 (19), 9934-9946, 2018
Framework for assessing viability of threatened and endangered Chinook Salmon and steelhead in the Sacramento–San Joaquin basin
ST Lindley, RS Schick, E Mora, PB Adams, JJ Anderson, S Greene, ...
San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 5 (1), 2007
Using short-term measures of behaviour to estimate long-term fitness of southern elephant seals
LF New, JS Clark, DP Costa, E Fleishman, MA Hindell, T Klanjšček, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 496, 99-108, 2014
Directed connectivity among fish populations in a riverine network
RS Schick, ST Lindley
Journal of Applied Ecology 44 (6), 1116-1126, 2007
An interim framework for assessing the population consequences of disturbance
SL King, RS Schick, C Donovan, CG Booth, M Burgman, L Thomas, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (10), 1150-1158, 2015
Network thinking in riverscape conservation-A graph-based approach
T Eros, D Schmera, RS Schick
Biological conservation 144 (1), 184-192, 2011
Characterizing connectivity relationships in freshwaters using patch-based graphs
T Erős, JD Olden, RS Schick, D Schmera, MJ Fortin
Landscape ecology 27, 303-317, 2012
The modelling and assessment of whale-watching impacts
LF New, AJ Hall, R Harcourt, G Kaufman, ECM Parsons, HC Pearson, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 115, 10-16, 2015
Historical population structure of Central Valley steelhead and its alteration by dams
ST Lindley, RS Schick, A Agrawal, M Goslin, TE Pearson, E Mora, ...
San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 4 (1), 2006
Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) distribution in relation to sea surface temperature fronts in the Gulf of Maine (1994–96)
RS Schick, J Goldstein, ME Lutcavage
Fisheries Oceanography 13 (4), 225-238, 2004
Sex‐specific and individual preferences for hunting strategies in white sharks
AV Towner, V Leos‐Barajas, R Langrock, RS Schick, MJ Smale, ...
Functional Ecology 30 (8), 1397-1407, 2016
Modelling group dynamic animal movement
R Langrock, JGC Hopcraft, PG Blackwell, V Goodall, R King, M Niu, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (2), 190-199, 2014
Health of North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis over three decades: from individual health to demographic and population health trends
RM Rolland, RS Schick, HM Pettis, AR Knowlton, PK Hamilton, JS Clark, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 542, 265-282, 2016
Spatial distribution and environmental correlates of Australian snubfin and Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphins
G J. Parra, R Schick, P J. Corkeron
Ecography 29 (3), 396-406, 2006
Population structure of threatened and endangered Chinook salmon ESUs in California's Central Valley basin
ST Lindley
Geospatial web services within a scientific workflow: Predicting marine mammal habitats in a dynamic environment
BD Best, PN Halpin, E Fujioka, AJ Read, SS Qian, LJ Hazen, RS Schick
Ecological Informatics 2 (3), 210-223, 2007
REVIEW Assessing North Atlantic right whale health: Threats, and development of tools critical for conservation of the species
MJ Moore, TK Rowles, DA Fauquier, JD Baker, I Biedron, JW Durban, ...
Diseases of aquatic organisms 143, 205-226, 2021
Spatial components of bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) distribution in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea
RS Schick, DL Urban
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57 (11), 2193-2200, 2000
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مقالات 1–20