Sudipta Mahapatra
Sudipta Mahapatra
Professor, E & ECE, IIT Kharagpur
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A comparative analysis of machine learning techniques for botnet detection
A Bansal, S Mahapatra
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on security of information …, 2017
A Monte-Carlo Markov chain approach for coverage-area reliability of mobile wireless sensor networks with multistate nodes
S Chakraborty, NK Goyal, S Mahapatra, S Soh
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 193, 106662, 2020
QoS aware fuzzy rule based vertical handoff decision algorithm for wireless heterogeneous networks
K Vasu, S Maheshwari, S Mahapatra, CS Kumar
Communications (NCC), 2011 National Conference on, 1-5, 2011
Efficient FPGA implementation of DWT and modified SPIHT for lossless image compression
J Jyotheswar, S Mahapatra
Journal of Systems Architecture 53 (7), 369-378, 2007
RETRACTED: Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments
NK Kamila, S Mahapatra, S Nanda
Pattern Recognition Letters 26 (6), 747-753, 2005
Minimal path-based reliability model for wireless sensor networks with multistate nodes
S Chakraborty, NK Goyal, S Mahapatra, S Soh
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 69 (1), 382-400, 2019
Traffic congestion detection in a city using clustering techniques in VANETs
A Mohanty, S Mahapatra, U Bhanja
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 13 (2 …, 2019
QoS-aware fuzzy rule-based vertical handoff decision algorithm incorporating a new evaluation model for wireless heterogeneous networks
K Vasu, S Maheshwari, S Mahapatra, CS Kumar
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 1-22, 2012
Energy and quality of service aware FUZZY‐technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution based vertical handover decision algorithm for heterogeneous wireless …
V Kantubukta, S Maheshwari, S Mahapatra, CS Kumar
IET networks 2 (3), 103-114, 2013
Intermittent fault diagnosis in wireless sensor networks
PM Khilar, S Mahapatra
10th International conference on information technology (ICIT 2007), 145-147, 2007
An evolutionary programming algorithm for survivable routing and wavelength assignment in transparent optical networks
U Bhanja, S Mahapatra, R Roy
Information sciences 222, 634-647, 2013
FWM aware evolutionary programming algorithm for transparent optical networks
U Bhanja, S Mahapatra, R Roy
Photonic Network Communications 23, 285-299, 2012
Design and evaluation of a failure detection algorithm for large scale ad hoc networks using cluster based approach
PM Khilar, JK Singh, S Mahapatra
2008 International Conference on Information Technology, 153-158, 2008
A joint parametric prediction model for wireless internet traffic using Hidden Markov Model
S Maheshwari, S Mahapatra, CS Kumar, K Vasu
Wireless networks 19, 1171-1185, 2013
Capillary optical fibers: design and applications for attaining a large effective mode area
A Dutt, S Mahapatra, SK Varshney
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 28 (6), 1431-1438, 2011
Mapping of neural network models onto systolic arrays
S Mahapatra, RN Mahapatra
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 60 (6), 677-689, 2000
Optical time-domain reflectometer performance improvement using complementary correlated Prometheus orthonormal sequence
PK Sahu, SC Gowre, S Mahapatra
Iet Optoelectronics 2 (3), 128-133, 2008
Quality of experience driven rate adaptation for adaptive HTTP streaming
VPM Kumar, S Mahapatra
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 64 (2), 602-620, 2018
Modified Frei-Chen operator-based infrared and visible sensor image fusion for real-time applications
A Mishra, S Mahapatra, S Banerjee
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (14), 4639-4646, 2017
A parallel formulation of back-propagation learning on distributed memory multiprocessors
S Mahapatra, RN Mahapatra, BN Chatterji
Parallel Computing 22 (12), 1661-1675, 1997
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مقالات 1–20