Francesca Borzumati
Francesca Borzumati
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على shibaura-it.ac.jp
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effects of supergravity-induced electroweak breaking on rare b-decays and mixings
S Bertolini, F Borzumati, A Masiero, G Ridolfi
Nuclear Physics B 353 (3), 591-649, 1991
Large muon-and electron-number nonconservation in supergravity theories
F Borzumati, A Masiero
Physical Review Letters 57 (8), 961, 1986
Physics with e+ e− linear colliders
E Accomando, A Andreazza, H Anlauf, A Ballestrero, T Barklow, J Bartels, ...
Physics Reports 299 (1), 1-78, 1998
Two Higgs doublet model predictions for in NLO QCD
FM Borzumati, C Greub
Physical Review D 58 (7), 074004, 1998
The Minimal supersymmetric standard model: Group summary report
A Djouadi, S Rosier-Lees, M Bezouh, MA Bizouard, C Boehm, ...
arXiv preprint hep-ph/9901246, 1999
Gluino contribution to radiative B decays: Organization of QCD corrections and leading order results
F Borzumati, C Greub, T Hurth, D Wyler
Physical Review D 62 (7), 075005, 2000
QCD enhancement of radiative B decays
S Bertolini, F Borzumati, A Masiero
Physical Review Letters 59 (2), 180, 1987
B, d and k decays
M Artuso, DM Asner, P Ball, E Baracchini, G Bell, M Beneke, J Berryhill, ...
SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States), 2008
Soft Yukawa couplings in supersymmetric theories
F Borzumati, GR Farrar, N Polonsky, S Thomas
Nuclear Physics B 555 (1-2), 53-115, 1999
Charged-Higgs- and R-parity violating slepton-strahlung at hadron colliders
F Borzumati, JL Kneur, N Polonsky
Physical Review D 60 (11), 115011, 1999
Two Higgs doublet model predictions for anti-B---> X (s) gamma in NLO QCD: Addendum
F Borzumati, C Greub
Phys. Rev. D 59 (arXiv: hep-ph/9809438), 1999
The decaybsγ in the MSSM revisited
FM Borzumati
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 63 (2), 291-308, 1994
Neutrino masses and mixing in supersymmetric models without R parity
FM Borzumati, Y Grossman, E Nardi, Y Nir
Physics Letters B 384 (1-4), 123-130, 1996
Low-scale seesaw mechanisms for light neutrinos
F Borzumati, Y Nomura
Physical Review D 64 (5), 053005, 2001
New constraints on squark and gluino masses from radiative B decays
S Bertolini, F Borzumati, A Masiero
Physics Letters B 192 (3-4), 437-440, 1987
Implications for supersymmetric dark matter detection from radiative b decays
FM Borzumati, M Drees, MM Nojiri
Physical Review D 51 (2), 341, 1995
Real and virtual photon contributions to inelasticep scattering
FM Borzumati, GA Schuler
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 58 (1), 139-152, 1993
Constraints on the minimal SUSY-SO (10) model from cosmology and the b→ sγ decay
FM Borzumati, M Olechowski, S Pokorski
Physics Letters B 349 (3), 311-318, 1995
B, D and K decays
G Buchalla, TK Komatsubara, F Muheim, L Silvestrini, M Artuso, DM Asner, ...
The European Physical Journal C 57, 309-492, 2008
Beyond leading-order corrections to at large The charged-Higgs-boson contribution
F Borzumati, C Greub, Y Yamada
Physical Review D 69 (5), 055005, 2004
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مقالات 1–20