Caroline Fitzpatrick
Caroline Fitzpatrick
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Prospective associations between early childhood television exposure and academic, psychosocial, and physical well-being by middle childhood
LS Pagani, C Fitzpatrick, TA Barnett, E Dubow
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 164 (5), 425-431, 2010
School readiness and later achievement: a French Canadian replication and extension.
LS Pagani, C Fitzpatrick, I Archambault, M Janosz
Developmental psychology 46 (5), 984, 2010
Do preschool executive function skills explain the school readiness gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children?
C Fitzpatrick, RD McKinnon, CB Blair, MT Willoughby
Learning and instruction 30, 25-31, 2014
Investigating the comprehension iceberg: Developing empirical benchmarks for early-grade reading in agglutinating African languages
N Spaull, E Pretorius, N Mohohlwane
South African Journal of Childhood Education 10 (1), 1-14, 2020
Feelings of safety at school, socioemotional functioning, and classroom engagement
C Côté-Lussier, C Fitzpatrick
Journal of Adolescent Health 58 (5), 543-550, 2016
Toddler working memory skills predict kindergarten school readiness
C Fitzpatrick, LS Pagani
Intelligence 40 (2), 205-212, 2012
Beyond screen time: a synergistic approach to a more comprehensive assessment of family media exposure during early childhood
R Barr, H Kirkorian, J Radesky, S Coyne, D Nichols, O Blanchfield, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1283, 2020
Early childhood television viewing and kindergarten entry readiness
LS Pagani, C Fitzpatrick, TA Barnett
Pediatric research 74 (3), 350-355, 2013
Transactional associations between classroom engagement and relations with teachers from first through fourth grade
I Archambault, LS Pagani, C Fitzpatrick
Learning and instruction 23, 1-9, 2013
Changes in students’ achievement motivation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A function of extraversion/introversion?
J Smith, FA Guimond, J Bergeron, J St-Amand, C Fitzpatrick, M Gagnon
Education Sciences 11 (1), 30, 2021
Relating kindergarten attention to subsequent developmental pathways of classroom engagement in elementary school
LS Pagani, C Fitzpatrick, S Parent
Journal of abnormal child psychology 40, 715-725, 2012
Family socioeconomic status moderates associations between television viewing and school readiness skills
A Ribner, C Fitzpatrick, C Blair
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 38 (3), 233-239, 2017
Early exposure to media violence and later child adjustment
C Fitzpatrick, T Barnett, LS Pagani
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 33 (4), 291-297, 2012
Task-oriented kindergarten behavior pays off in later childhood
C Fitzpatrick, LS Pagani
Journal of developmental & behavioral pediatrics 34 (2), 94-101, 2013
Children’s school readiness: implications for eliminating future disparities in health and education
LS Pagani, C Fitzpatrick
Health Education & Behavior 41 (1), 25-33, 2014
Early childhood working memory forecasts high school dropout risk
C Fitzpatrick, I Archambault, M Janosz, LS Pagani
Intelligence 53, 160-165, 2015
Early childhood television viewing predicts explosive leg strength and waist circumference by middle childhood
C Fitzpatrick, LS Pagani, TA Barnett
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9, 1-6, 2012
Prédire la réussite scolaire des enfants en quatrième année à partir de leurs habiletés cognitives, comportementales et motrices à la maternelle
LS Pagani, C Fitzpatrick, L Belleau, M Janosz
Étude longitudinale du développement des enfants du Québec (ÉLDEQ 1998-2010 …, 2011
Prospective associations between televiewing at toddlerhood and later self-reported social impairment at middle school in a Canadian longitudinal cohort born in 1997/1998
LS Pagani, F Lévesque-Seck, C Fitzpatrick
Psychological medicine 46 (16), 3329-3337, 2016
Associations between extracurricular activity and self-regulation: a longitudinal study from 5 to 10 years of age
G Piché, C Fitzpatrick, LS Pagani
American Journal of Health Promotion 30 (1), e32-e40, 2015
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مقالات 1–20