Margaret Fearon
Margaret Fearon
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على blood.ca
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
International survey on NAT testing of blood donations: expanding implementation and yield from 1999 to 2009
WK Roth, MP Busch, A Schuller, S Ismay, A Cheng, CR Seed, ...
Vox Sanguinis 102 (1), 82-90, 2012
West Nile virus infection in 2002: morbidity and mortality among patients admitted to hospital in southcentral Ontario
C Pepperell, N Rau, S Krajden, R Kern, A Humar, B Mederski, A Simor, ...
Cmaj 168 (11), 1399-1405, 2003
Toronto street youth and HIV/AIDS: Prevalence, demographics, and risks
D DeMatteo, C Major, B Block, R Coates, M Fearon, E Goldberg, SM King, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 25 (5), 358-366, 1999
Use of oseltamivir during influenza outbreaks in Ontario nursing homes, 1999–2000
SK Bowles, W Lee, AE Simor, M Vearncombe, M Loeb, S Tamblyn, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 50 (4), 608-616, 2002
Measles inclusion-body encephalitis caused by the vaccine strain of measles virus
A Bitnun, P Shannon, A Durward, PA Rota, WJ Bellini, C Graham, E Wang, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 29 (4), 855-861, 1999
Acute childhood encephalitis and encephalopathy associated with influenza: a prospective 11-year review
R Amin, E Ford-Jones, SE Richardson, D MacGregor, R Tellier, H Heurter, ...
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 27 (5), 390-395, 2008
Etiology of community-acquired pediatric viral diarrhea: a prospective longitudinal study in hospitals, emergency departments, pediatric practices and child care centers during …
V Waters, EL Ford-Jones, M Petric, M Fearon, P Corey, R Moineddein, ...
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 19 (9), 843-848, 2000
West Nile virus surveillance and diagnostic: a Canadian perspective
MA Drebot, R Lindsay, IK Barker, PA Buck, M Fearon, F Hunter, P Sockett, ...
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 14 (2), 105-114, 2003
Performance of indirect immunoglobulin M (IgM) serology tests and IgM capture assays for laboratory diagnosis of measles
S Ratnam, G Tipples, C Head, M Fauvel, M Fearon, BJ Ward
Journal of clinical microbiology 38 (1), 99-104, 2000
The laboratory diagnosis of HIV infections
M Fearon
The Canadian journal of infectious diseases & medical microbiology 16 (1), 26, 2005
Current incidence and residual risk of HIV, HBV and HCV at Canadian Blood Services
SF O’Brien, QL Yi, W Fan, V Scalia, MA Fearon, JP Allain
Vox sanguinis 103 (1), 83-86, 2012
Trypanosoma cruzi infection in North America and Spain: evidence in support of transfusion transmission (CME)
RJ Benjamin, SL Stramer, DA Leiby, RY Dodd, M Fearon, E Castro
Transfusion 52 (9), 1913-1921, 2012
Risk of ruling out severe acute respiratory syndrome by ruling in another diagnosis: variable incidence of atypical bacteria coinfection based on diagnostic assays
G Zahariadis, TA Gooley, P Ryall, C Hutchinson, MI Latchford, MA Fearon, ...
Canadian respiratory journal 13 (1), 17-22, 2006
Regional distribution of antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 in men and women in Ontario, Canada
M Howard, JW Sellors, D Jang, NJ Robinson, M Fearon, J Kaczorowski, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 41 (1), 84-89, 2003
Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis C virus infections among inmates of Ontario remand facilities
L Calzavara, N Ramuscak, AN Burchell, C Swantee, T Myers, P Ford, ...
CMAJ 177 (3), 257-261, 2007
Zanamivir use during transmission of amantadine-resistant influenza A in a nursing home
C Lee, M Loeb, A Phillips, J Nesbitt, K Smith, M Fearon, MA McArthur, ...
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 21 (11), 700-704, 2000
Hepatitis e
J Petrik, M Lozano, CR Seed, HM Faddy, AJ Keller, PS Prado Scuracchio, ...
Vox Sang 110 (1), 93-130, 2016
Hospitalization for community-acquired, rotavirus-associated diarrhea: a prospective, longitudinal, population-based study during the seasonal outbreak
EL Ford-Jones, E Wang, M Petric, P Corey, R Moineddin, M Fearon
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 154 (6), 578-585, 2000
Interpretation of diagnostic laboratory tests for severe acute respiratory syndrome: the Toronto experience
P Tang, M Louie, SE Richardson, M Smieja, AE Simor, F Jamieson, ...
Cmaj 170 (1), 47-54, 2004
Neurological manifestations of West Nile virus infection
JM Burton, RZ Kern, W Halliday, D Mikulis, J Brunton, M Fearon, ...
Canadian journal of neurological sciences 31 (2), 185-193, 2004
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مقالات 1–20