shahriar kaisar
shahriar kaisar
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Information Systems & Business Analytics, RMIT University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
COVID-19 pandemic related supply chain studies: A systematic review
P Chowdhury, SK Paul, S Kaisar, MA Moktadir
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 148, 102271, 2021
Leveraging zero knowledge proofs for blockchain-based identity sharing: A survey of advancements, challenges and opportunities
L Zhou, A Diro, A Saini, S Kaisar, PC Hiep
Journal of Information Security and Applications 80, 103678, 2023
Developmental dyslexia detection using machine learning techniques: A survey
S Kaisar
ICT Express 6 (3), 181-184, 2020
Salt and pepper noise detection and removal by tolerance based selective arithmetic mean filtering technique for image restoration
S Kaisar, JAI Mahmud
International Journal of computer science and network security 8 (6), 271-278, 2008
Anomaly detection for space information networks: A survey of challenges, techniques, and future directions
A Diro, S Kaisar, AV Vasilakos, A Anwar, A Nasirian, G Olani
Computers & Security 139, 103705, 2024
Integrating oversampling and ensemble-based machine learning techniques for an imbalanced dataset in dyslexia screening tests
S Kaisar, A Chowdhury
ICT Express 8 (4), 563-568, 2022
IoT-based emergency vehicle services in intelligent transportation system
A Chowdhury, S Kaisar, ME Khoda, R Naha, MA Khoshkholghi, M Aiash
Sensors 23 (11), 5324, 2023
Churn prediction in telecom industry using machine learning ensembles with class balancing
A Chowdhury, S Kaisar, MM Rashid, SS Shafin, J Kamruzzaman
2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering …, 2021
Cyber Attacks Detection from Smart City Applications Using Artificial Neural Network
MM Rashid, J Kamruzzaman, T Imam, S Kaisar, MJ Alam
7th IEEE CSDE, 2020
Content sharing among visitors with irregular movement patterns in visiting hotspots
S Kaisar, J Kamruzzaman, G Karmakar, I Gondal
2015 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2015
Smartphone traffic characteristics and context dependencies
S Kaisar
Decentralized content sharing in mobile ad-hoc networks: A survey
S Kaisar, J Kamruzzaman, G Karmakar, MM Rashid
Digital Communications and Networks 9 (6), 1363-1398, 2023
Bankruptcy prediction for imbalanced dataset using oversampling and ensemble machine learning methods
A Chowdhury, S Kaisar, R Naha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2968 (1), 2023
Decentralized Content Sharing Among Tourists in Visiting Hotspots
S Kaisar, J Kamruzzaman, G Karmakar, I Gondal
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2016
Content exchange among mobile tourists using users' interest and place-centric activities
S Kaisar, J Kamruzzaman, G Karmakar, I Gondal
2015 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal …, 2015
Anomaly detection for space information networks: a survey of challenges, schemes, and recommendations
A Diro, S Kaisar, A V Vasilakos, A Anwar, A Nasirian, G Olani
TechRxiv, 2023
Different Approaches of interworking between SIP and H. 323
S Ansari, KN Khan, J Rehana, NJ Lisa, S Kaisar
IJCSNS 9 (3), 232, 2009
Emergency Response and Post-Disaster Recovery Using Smartphone-Based Applications
S Kaisar
Digital Services in Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency Situations, 31-49, 2021
Dynamic content distribution for decentralized sharing in tourist spots using demand and supply
S Kaisar, J Kamruzzaman, GC Karmakar, I Gondal
2017 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2017
Carry me if you can: A utility based forwarding scheme for content sharing in tourist destinations
S Kaisar, J Kamruzzaman, G Karmakar, I Gondal
2016 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), 261-267, 2016
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مقالات 1–20