Nihar Pradhan
Nihar Pradhan
Associate Professor of Physics, Jackson State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Controlled synthesis and transfer of large-area WS2 sheets: from single layer to few layers
AL Elias, N Perea-López, A Castro-Beltrán, A Berkdemir, R Lv, S Feng, ...
ACS Nano 7 (6), 5235-5242, 2013
New First Order Raman-active Modes in Few Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
H Terrones, E Corro, S Feng, JM Poumirol, D Rhodes, D Smirnov, ...
Scientific Reports 4 (4215), 1, 2014
Field-Effect Transistors Based on Few-Layered α-MoTe2
NR Pradhan, D Rhodes, S Feng, Y Xin, S Memaran, BH Moon, ...
ACS Nano 8 (6), 5911-5920, 2014
CVD-grown monolayered MoS2 as an effective photosensor operating at low-voltage
N Perea-López, Z Lin, NR Pradhan, M Balicas, Luis and Terrones
2D Materials 1, 011004, 2014
The specific heat and effective thermal conductivity of composites containing single-walland multi-wall carbon nanotubes
NR Pradhan, H Duan, J Liang, GS Iannacchione
Nanotechnology 20 (24), 245705, 2009
Hall and field-effect mobilities in few layered p-WSe2 field-effect transistors
NR Pradhan, D Rhodes, S Memaran, JM Poumirol, D Smirnov, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (8979), 2015
Atypical Exciton–Phonon Interactions in WS2 and WSe2 Monolayers Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
E del Corro, A Botello-Méndez, Y Gillet, AL Elias, H Terrones, S Feng, ...
Nano letters 16 (4), 2363-2368, 2016
Ambipolar Molybdenum Diselenide Field-Effect Transistors: Field-Effect and Hall Mobilities
NR Pradhan, D Rhodes, Y Xin, S Memaran, L Bhaskaran, M Shiddiq, ...
ACS Nano, 2014
Intrinsic carrier mobility of multi-layered MoS2 field-effect transistors on SiO2
NR Pradhan, D Rhodes, Q Zhang, S Talapatra, M Terrones, PM Ajayan, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (123105), 2013
High Photoresponsivity and Short Photoresponse Times in Few-Layered WSe2 Transistors
NR Pradhan, J Ludwig, Z Lu, D Rhodes, MM Bishop, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (22), 12080-12088, 2015
Metal to insulator quantum-phase transition in few-layered ReS2
NR Pradhan, A McCreary, D Rhodes, Z Lu, S Feng, E Manousakis, ...
Nano Letter 15 (12), 8377-8384, 2015
Pronounced Photovoltaic Response from Multilayered Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides PN-Junctions
S Memaran, NR Pradhan, Z Lu, D Rhodes, J Ludwig, Q Zhou, O Ogunsolu, ...
Nano Lett. 15 (11), 7532, 2015
Role of spin-orbit coupling and evolution of the electronic structure of WTe2 under an external magnetic field
D Rhodes, S Das, QR Zhang, B Zeng, NR Pradhan, N Kikugawa, ...
Phys. Rev. B 92, 125152, 2015
IEDM Tech. Dig.
CH Jan, M Agostinelli, M Buehler, ZP Chen, SJ Choi, G Curello, ...
IEDM Tech. Dig, 44-47, 2012
Nanoscale strategies to enhance the energy storage capacity of polymeric dielectric capacitors: review of recent advances
M Singh, IE Apata, S Samant, W Wu, BV Tawade, N Pradhan, ...
Polymer Reviews 62 (2), 211-260, 2022
Evaluation of the Passivation Effects of PEDOT:PSS on Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells
Y Qi, M Almtiri, H Giri, S Jha, G Ma, AK Shaik, Q Zhang, N Pradhan, X Gu, ...
Advanced Energy Mater, 2022
Recent progress on 2D ferroelectric and multiferroic materials, challenges, and opportunity
B Behera, B Sutar, N Pradhan
Emergent Materials, 2021
Moiré physics in twisted van der Waals heterostructures of 2D materials
SK Behura, A Miranda, S Nayak, K Johnson, P Das, NR Pradhan
Emergent Materials, 2021
Fabrication and characterization of ultraviolet photosensors from ZnO nanowires prepared using chemical bath deposition method
STNA Ahmed S. Al-Asadi, Luke Alexander Henley, Sujoy Ghosh, Abdiel Quetz ...
Recent developments in the synthesis of chemically modified nanomaterials for use in dielectric and electronics applications
BV Tawade, I Apata, M Singh, P Das, N Pradhan, A Al-Enizi, ...
Nanotechnology, 2020
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20