Gregory Fosco
Gregory Fosco
Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, The Pennsylvania State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Short Form (DERS-SF): Validation and replication in adolescent and adult samples
EA Kaufman, M Xia, G Fosco, M Yaptangco, CR Skidmore, SE Crowell
Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment 38, 443-455, 2016
Family and Peer Predictors of Substance Use From Early Adolescence to Early Adulthood: An 11-Year Prospective Analysis
MJ Van Ryzin, GM Fosco, TJ Dishion
Addictive Behaviors 37, 1314-1324, 2012
Family relationships and parental monitoring during middle school as predictors of early adolescent problem behavior
GM Fosco, EA Stormshak, TJ Dishion, CE Winter
Journal of clinical child & adolescent psychology 41 (2), 202-213, 2012
Family processes that shape the impact of interparental conflict on adolescents
JH Grych, SR Raynor, GM Fosco
Development and psychopathology 16 (3), 649-665, 2004
Emotional, cognitive, and family systems mediators of children's adjustment to interparental conflict.
GM Fosco, JH Grych
Journal of Family Psychology 22 (6), 843, 2008
Adolescent triangulation into parental conflicts: Longitudinal implications for appraisals and adolescent‐parent relations
GM Fosco, JH Grych
Journal of Marriage and Family 72 (2), 254-266, 2010
A six-year predictive test of adolescent family relationship quality and effortful control pathways to emerging adult social and emotional health
GM Fosco, AS Caruthers, TJ Dishion
Journal of Family Psychology 26, 565-575, 2012
Capturing the family context of emotion regulation: A family systems model comparison approach
GM Fosco, JH Grych
Journal of Family Issues 34 (4), 557-578, 2013
Making sense of family violence: Implications of children's appraisals of interparental aggression for their short-and long-term functioning
GM Fosco, RL DeBoard, JH Grych
European psychologist 12 (1), 6-16, 2007
A component-centered meta-analysis of family-based prevention programs for adolescent substance use
MJ Van Ryzin, CJ Roseth, GM Fosco, Y Lee, IC Chen
Clinical Psychology Review 45, 72-80, 2016
Interparental conflict in context: Exploring relations between parenting processes and children's conflict appraisals
RL DeBoard-Lucas, GM Fosco, SR Raynor, JH Grych
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 39 (2), 163-175, 2010
Emotional expression in the family as a context for children's appraisals of interparental conflict.
GM Fosco, JH Grych
Journal of family psychology 21 (2), 248, 2007
Implementing interventions with families in schools to increase youth school engagement: The Family Check-Up model
EA Stormshak, GM Fosco, TJ Dishion
School Mental Health 2, 82-92, 2010
A developmental perspective on young adult romantic relationships: Examining family and individual factors in adolescence
M Xia, GM Fosco, MA Lippold, ME Feinberg
Journal of youth and adolescence 47, 1499-1516, 2018
Bridging the gap from values to actions: A family systems framework for family-centered AAC services
K Mandak, T O’Neill, J Light, GM Fosco
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 33 (1), 32-41, 2017
Cascading effects of interparental conflict in adolescence: Linking threat appraisals, self-efficacy, and adjustment
GM Fosco, ME Feinberg
Development and psychopathology 27 (1), 239-252, 2015
Opening the “Black Box”: Family Check-Up intervention effects on self-regulation that prevents growth in problem behavior and substance use
GM Fosco, JL Frank, EA Stormshak, TJ Dishion
Journal of School Psychology 51 (4), 455-468, 2013
Implications of family cohesion and conflict for adolescent mood and well‐being: Examining within‐and between‐family processes on a daily timescale
GM Fosco, DM Lydon‐Staley
Family process 59 (4), 1672-1689, 2020
Family-based prevention programs for children and adolescents: Theory, research, and large-scale dissemination
MJ Van Ryzin, KL Kumpfer, GM Fosco, MT Greenberg
Psychology Press, 2015
A within‐family examination of interparental conflict, cognitive appraisals, and adolescent mood and well‐being
GM Fosco, DM Lydon‐Staley
Child development 90 (4), e421-e436, 2019
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مقالات 1–20