David Pérez-Román
David Pérez-Román
Associate Professor, PRESAD Research Group
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Measuring consensus in weak orders
J García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
Consensual Processes 267, 213-234, 2011
Ordinal proximity measures in the context of unbalanced qualitative scales and some applications to consensus and clustering
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
Applied Soft Computing 35, 864-872, 2015
Measuring consensus in a preference-approval context
B Erdamar, JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román, MR Sanver
Information Fusion 17, 14-21, 2014
Consensus-based clustering under hesitant qualitative assessments
JL García-Lapresta, D Perez-Roman
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 292, 261-273, 2016
Consensus measures generated by weighted Kemeny distances on weak orders
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2010
Aggregating opinions in non-uniform ordered qualitative scales
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
Applied Soft Computing 67, 652-657, 2018
Metrizable ordinal proximity measures and their aggregation
JL García-Lapresta, RG del Pozo, D Pérez-Román
Information Sciences 448, 149-163, 2018
Some consensus measures and their applications in group decision making
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
Computational intelligence in decision and control. Word Scientific …, 2008
A consensus reaching process in the context of non-uniform ordered qualitative scales
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 16 (4), 449-461, 2017
Consensus-based hierarchical agglomerative clustering in the context of weak orders
JL Garcia-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
2013 Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS), 1010 …, 2013
Some measures of consensus generated by distances on weak orders
JL Garcıa-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
XIV Congreso Espanol sobre Tecnologıas y Lógica Fuzzy ESTYLF, Asturias, Spain, 2008
Consensus reaching processes under hesitant linguistic assessments
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román, E Falcó
Intelligent Systems' 2014: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International …, 2015
A multi-criteria procedure in new product development using different qualitative scales
JL García-Lapresta, P Moreno-Albadalejo, D Pérez-Román, ...
Applied Soft Computing 106, 107279, 2021
Clustering US 2016 presidential candidates through linguistic appraisals
R González del Pozo, JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
Advances in Fuzzy Logic and Technology 2017: Proceedings of: EUSFLAT-2017 …, 2018
Consensus-based agglomerative hierarchical clustering
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
Fuzzy sets, rough sets, multisets and clustering, 123-135, 2017
Eliciting proximities between terms of ordered qualitative scales
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), 294-298, 2020
Managing perceptions on the linguistic terms of qualitative scales
JL García-Lapresta, R Iurev, D Pérez-Román
Expert Systems with Applications 261, 125501, 2025
Consensus-based clustering in numerical decision-making
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román
Soft Methods for Data Science, 237-243, 2017
Medidas de consenso en contextos preferenciales generadas por distancias
DP Román
Universidad de Valladolid, 2013
Consensus in Preference-Approvals: A Weighted Distance Approach
JL García-Lapresta, D Pérez-Román, B Erdamar, MR Sanver
Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making, 46-51, 2012
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مقالات 1–20