Holly Ernest
Holly Ernest
Professor Emeritus, UC Davis & Univ.Wyoming, Wildlife Population Health; Certified Senior Ecologist
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
2016 Guidelines of the American Society of Mammalogists for the use of wild mammals in research and education
RS Sikes, ...
Journal of mammalogy 97 (3), 663-688, 2016
Molecular tracking of mountain lions in the Yosemite Valley region in California: genetic analysis using microsatellites and faecal DNA
HB Ernest, MCT Penedo, BP May, M Syvanen, WM Boyce
Molecular ecology 9 (4), 433-441, 2000
Are all data types and connectivity models created equal? Validating common connectivity approaches with dispersal data
KA Zeller, MK Jennings, TW Vickers, HB Ernest, SA Cushman, WM Boyce
Diversity and distributions 24 (7), 868-879, 2018
Population structure of California coyotes corresponds to habitat‐specific breaks and illuminates species history
BN Sacks, SK Brown, HB Ernest
Molecular ecology 13 (5), 1265-1275, 2004
Genetic structure of mountain lion (Puma concolor) populations in California
HB Ernest, WM Boyce, VC Bleich, B May, SJ Stiver, SG Torres
Conservation Genetics 4, 353-366, 2003
Individual behaviors dominate the dynamics of an urban mountain lion population isolated by roads
SPD Riley, LEK Serieys, JP Pollinger, JA Sikich, L Dalbeck, RK Wayne, ...
Current Biology 24 (17), 1989-1994, 2014
Survival and Mortality of Pumas (Puma concolor) in a Fragmented, Urbanizing Landscape
TW Vickers, JN Sanchez, CK Johnson, SA Morrison, R Botta, T Smith, ...
PloS one 10 (7), e0131490, 2015
Interactions between demography, genetics, and landscape connectivity increase extinction probability for a small population of large carnivores in a major metropolitan area
JF Benson, PJ Mahoney, JA Sikich, LEK Serieys, JP Pollinger, HB Ernest, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1837), 20160957, 2016
Multi-level, multi-scale resource selection functions and resistance surfaces for conservation planning: Pumas as a case study
KA Zeller, TW Vickers, HB Ernest, WM Boyce
PLoS One 12 (6), e0179570, 2017
Coyotes demonstrate how habitat specialization by individuals of a generalist species can diversify populations in a heterogeneous ecoregion
BN Sacks, DL Bannasch, BB Chomel, HB Ernest
Molecular Biology and Evolution 25 (7), 1384-1394, 2008
Fractured Genetic Connectivity Threatens a Southern California Puma (Puma concolor) Population
HB Ernest, TW Vickers, SA Morrison, MR Buchalski, WM Boyce
PloS one 9 (10), e107985, 2014
Coyote movements and social structure along a cryptic population genetic subdivision
BN Sacks, BR Mitchell, CL Williams, HB Ernest
Molecular Ecology 14 (4), 1241-1249, 2005
Anthropogenic factors predict movement of an invasive species
MA Tabak, AJ Piaggio, RS Miller, RA Sweitzer, HB Ernest
Ecosphere 8 (6), e01844, 2017
Fecal DNA analysis and risk assessment of mountain lion predation of bighorn sheep
HB Ernest, ES Rubin, WM Boyce
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 75-85, 2002
Landscape characteristics influence morphological and genetic differentiation in a widespread raptor (Buteo jamaicensis)
JM Hull, AC Hull, BN Sacks, JP Smith, HB Ernest
Molecular Ecology 17 (3), 810-824, 2008
Extinction vortex dynamics of top predators isolated by urbanization
JF Benson, PJ Mahoney, TW Vickers, JA Sikich, P Beier, SPD Riley, ...
Ecological Applications 29 (3), e01868, 2019
Genetic source–sink dynamics among naturally structured and anthropogenically fragmented puma populations
KD Gustafson, RB Gagne, TW Vickers, SPD Riley, CC Wilmers, VC Bleich, ...
Conservation Genetics 20, 215-227, 2019
Phylogeographic and population genetic structure of bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis ) in North American deserts
MR Buchalski, BN Sacks, DA Gille, MCT Penedo, HB Ernest, SA Morrison, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 97 (3), 823-838, 2016
Black bear population genetics in California: signatures of population structure, competitive release, and historical translocation
SK Brown, JM Hull, DR Updike, SR Fain, HB Ernest
Journal of Mammalogy 90 (5), 1066-1074, 2009
A single migrant enhances the genetic diversity of an inbred puma population
KD Gustafson, TW Vickers, WM Boyce, HB Ernest
Royal Society open science 4 (5), 170115, 2017
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مقالات 1–20