Johannes Spaethe
Johannes Spaethe
Dept. of Behavioral Pysiology & Sociobiology, Universität Würzburg
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Visual constraints in foraging bumblebees: flower size and color affect search time and flight behavior
J Spaethe, J Tautz, L Chittka
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (7), 3898-3903, 2001
Size variation and foraging rate in bumblebees (Bombus terrestris)
J Spaethe, A Weidenmüller
Insectes sociaux 49, 142-146, 2002
Interindividual variation of eye optics and single object resolution in bumblebees
J Spaethe, L Chittka
Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (19), 3447-3453, 2003
Comparative psychophysics of bumblebee and honeybee colour discrimination and object detection
AG Dyer, J Spaethe, S Prack
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194, 617-627, 2008
Size determines antennal sensitivity and behavioral threshold to odors in bumblebee workers
J Spaethe, A Brockmann, C Halbig, J Tautz
Naturwissenschaften 94, 733-739, 2007
Adaptation, constraint, and chance in the evolution of flower color and pollinator color vision
J Spaethe, A Schmidt, A Hickelsberger, L Chittka
Cognitive ecology of pollination: animal behavior and floral evolution, 2001
Honeybee odometry: performance in varying natural terrain
J Tautz, S Zhang, J Spaethe, A Brockmann, A Si, M Srinivasan
PLoS Biology 2 (7), e211, 2004
Bigger is better: implications of body size for flight ability under different light conditions and the evolution of alloethism in bumblebees
A Kapustjanskij, M Streinzer, HF Paulus, J Spaethe
Functional Ecology 21 (6), 1130-1136, 2007
Sex and caste-specific variation in compound eye morphology of five honeybee species
M Streinzer, A Brockmann, N Nagaraja, J Spaethe
PLoS One 8 (2), e57702, 2013
Beyond 9-ODA: SEX Pheromone Communication in the European Honey Bee Apis mellifera L.
A Brockmann, D Dietz, J Spaethe, J Tautz
Journal of chemical ecology 32, 657-667, 2006
Molecular characterization and expression of the UV opsin in bumblebees: three ommatidial subtypes in the retina and a new photoreceptor organ in the lamina
J Spaethe, AD Briscoe
Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (12), 2347-2361, 2005
How to know which food is good for you: bumblebees use taste to discriminate between different concentrations of food differing in nutrient content
FA Ruedenauer, J Spaethe, SD Leonhardt
The Journal of Experimental Biology 218 (14), 2233-2240, 2015
Hungry for quality—individual bumblebees forage flexibly to collect high-quality pollen
FA Ruedenauer, J Spaethe, SD Leonhardt
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70, 1209-1217, 2016
Floral colour signal increases short-range detectability of a sexually deceptive orchid to its bee pollinator
M Streinzer, HF Paulus, J Spaethe
Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (9), 1365-1370, 2009
Best be(e) on low fat: linking nutrient perception, regulation and fitness
FA Ruedenauer, D Raubenheimer, D Kessner‐Beierlein, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (3), 545-554, 2020
Do honeybees detect colour targets using serial or parallel visual search?
J Spaethe, J Tautz, L Chittka
Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (6), 987-993, 2006
Visual attention in a complex search task differs between honeybees and bumblebees
L Morawetz, J Spaethe
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (14), 2515-2523, 2012
Early duplication and functional diversification of the opsin gene family in insects
J Spaethe, AD Briscoe
Molecular Biology and Evolution 21 (8), 1583-1594, 2004
Blue colour preference in honeybees distracts visual attention for learning closed shapes
L Morawetz, A Svoboda, J Spaethe, AG Dyer
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199, 817-827, 2013
Body size limits dim-light foraging activity in stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini)
M Streinzer, W Huber, J Spaethe
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 202, 643-655, 2016
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مقالات 1–20