Agnieszka Shepard
Agnieszka Shepard
Assistant Professor of Management, Robert Morris University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Generational differences in work ethic: Fact or fiction?
KL Zabel, BBJ Biermeier-Hanson, BB Baltes, BJ Early, A Shepard
Journal of business and psychology 32 (3), 301-315, 2017
Followership at a distance: Follower adjustment to distal leadership during COVID‐19
M Carsten, A Goswami, A Shepard, LI Donnelly
Applied Psychology 71 (3), 959-982, 2022
An application of Mobley's intermediate linkages turnover model to a full‐time employee group typology
JLS Wittmer, A Shepard, JE Martin
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 87 (4), 806-812, 2014
Schedule preferences, congruence and employee outcomes in unionized shift workers
JLS Wittmer, AK Shepard, JE Martin
American Journal of Business 30 (1), 92-110, 2015
The influence of organizational responses to the COVID-19 pandemic on employee outcomes
AK Shepard, LI Donnelly, T Seth
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 14 (1-2), 163-167, 2021
Examining and reducing rater stereotype affects on performance ratings
L Zhdanova, BB Baltes, M Chakrabarti, CC Ferrell, L Finkelstein, ...
Cognitive antecedents of highlighting and decoupling in response to social pressure
SD Julian, J Ofori-Dankwa, A Shepard
Group & Organization Management 44 (3), 652-684, 2019
Overt and covert retaliation of service employees against customers who mistreat them
A Shepard
Coworker support amplifies strain in the COVID‐19 pandemic for working parents
KE O'Brien, AK Shepard, LI Donnelly
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 65 (3), 421-432, 2024
Employee reactions to uncertainty: an exploration of individual, role-based, & situational factors
NE Dimotakis, KA Graham, A Shaulov, AK Shepard, M Westphal
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 15640, 2019
Journal of Psychology
T Hansen, K Hynek, A McMunn, RB Nes, V Skirbekk, ME Vollrath, F Methi, ...
Leader Effectiveness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
P Coyle, A Goswami, EA Williams
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 14562, 2022
Coworker Support Amplifies Reactions to the COVID-19 Pandemic for Working Parents
L Donnelly, K O'Brien, A Shepard
Strategic Issue Diagnosis: The Effect of Executive Personality
SD Julian, J Ofori-Dankwa, A Shepard
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 11911, 2015
Sunday Work, Scheduling Preferences, and Scheduling Attitudes
AM Lelchook, JE Martin, A Shepard
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 17237, 2013
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مقالات 1–15