Zbigniew Kowalewski
Zbigniew Kowalewski
Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Mechanisms-based creep constitutive equations for an aluminium alloy
ZL Kowalewski, DR Hayhurst, BF Dyson
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 29 (4), 309-316, 1994
A review on biomaterials for orthopaedic surgery and traumatology: from past to present
G Szczęsny, M Kopec, DJ Politis, ZL Kowalewski, A Łazarski, T Szolc
Materials 15 (10), 3622, 2022
Compressive viscoplastic response of 6082‐T6 and 7075‐T6 aluminium alloys under wide range of strain rate at room temperature: experiments and modelling
W Moćko, JA Rodríguez‐Martínez, ZL Kowalewski, A Rusinek
Strain 48 (6), 498-509, 2012
Miniaturized compression test at very high strain rates by direct impact
JZ Malinowski, JR Klepaczko, ZL Kowalewski
Experimental Mechanics 47, 451-463, 2007
Influences of horizontal and vertical build orientations and post-fabrication processes on the fatigue behavior of stainless steel 316l produced by selective laser melting
P Wood, T Libura, ZL Kowalewski, G Williams, A Serjouei
Materials 12 (24), 4203, 2019
Thermal barrier coatings for high-temperature performance of nickel-based superalloys: a synthetic review
I Barwinska, M Kopec, D Kukla, C Senderowski, ZL Kowalewski
Coatings 13 (4), 769, 2023
Prediction of the mechanical properties of P91 steel by means of magneto-acoustic emission and acoustic birefringence
K Makowska, L Piotrowski, ZL Kowalewski
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 36, 1-10, 2017
Effect of cyclic loading on the yield surface evolution of 18G2A low-alloy steel
ZL Kowalewski, M Śliwowski
International journal of mechanical sciences 39 (1), 51-68, 1997
Creep rupture of copper and aluminium alloy under combined loadings—experiments and their various descriptions
J Lin, ZL Kowalewski, J Cao
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 47 (7), 1038-1058, 2005
Influence of the welding process on the mechanical characteristics and fracture of the S700MC high strength steel under various types of loading
T Szymczak, K Makowska, ZL Kowalewski
Materials 13 (22), 5249, 2020
Comparison of properties of magnetoacoustic emission and mechanical Barkhausen effects for P91 steel after plastic flow and creep
B Augustyniak, M Chmielewski, L Piotrowski, Z Kowalewski
IEEE Transactions on magnetics 44 (11), 3273-3276, 2008
Damage development of Al/SiC metal matrix composite under fatigue, creep and monotonic loading conditions
A Rutecka, ZL Kowalewski, K Pietrzak, L Dietrich, K Makowska, J Woźniak, ...
Procedia Engineering 10, 1420-1425, 2011
New samples with artificial voids for ultrasonic investigation of material damage due to creep
J Szelążek, S Mackiewicz, ZL Kowalewski
NDT & E International 42 (2), 150-156, 2009
Mechanical properties of A359/SiCp metal matrix composites at wide range of strain rates
W Moćko, ZL Kowalewski
Applied Mechanics and Materials 82, 166-171, 2011
Multiparameter analysis of the Barkhausen noise signal and its application for the assessment of plastic deformation level in 13HMF grade steel
L Piotrowski, B Augustyniak, M Chmielewski, Z Kowalewski
Measurement Science and Technology 21 (11), 115702, 2010
On the role of slip, twinning and detwinning in magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet
K Frydrych, T Libura, Z Kowalewski, M Maj, K Kowalczyk-Gajewska
Materials Science and Engineering: A 813, 141152, 2021
Aluminide thermal barrier coating for high temperature performance of MAR 247 nickel based superalloy
M Kopec, D Kukla, X Yuan, W Rejmer, ZL Kowalewski, C Senderowski
Coatings 11 (1), 48, 2021
Experimental investigation of an anisotropy in copper subjected to predeformation due to constant and monotonic loadings
L Dietrich, ZL Kowalewski
International journal of plasticity 13 (1-2), 87-109, 1997
The dominant influence of plastic deformation induced residual stress on the Barkhausen effect signal in martensitic steels
L Piotrowski, M Chmielewski, ZL Kowalewski
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 36, 1-8, 2017
Strength-hardness relationship for AlSi10Mg alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion: An experimental study
A Serjouei, T Libura, A Brodecki, J Radziejewska, P Broniszewska, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 861, 144345, 2022
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مقالات 1–20