SSPA "Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of NAS of Belarus"
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Magnetic properties and magnetoelectric coupling enhancement in Bi5Ti3FeO15 ceramics
T Pikula, J Dzik, P Guzdek, VI Mitsiuk, Z Surowiec, R Panek, E Jartych
Ceramics International 43 (14), 11442-11449, 2017
Magnetostrictive and magnetocaloric effects in Mn0. 89Cr0. 11NiGe
AP Sivachenko, VI Mityuk, VI Kamenev, AV Golovchan, VI Val’kov, ...
Low Temperature Physics 39 (12), 1051-1054, 2013
Magnetostructural phase transitions in manganese arsenide single crystals
VI Mitsiuk, NY Pankratov, GA Govor, SA Nikitin, AI Smarzhevskaya
Physics of the Solid State 54, 1988-1995, 2012
Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the alloys Mn2− xFexP0. 5As0. 5 (0⩽ x⩽ 0.5)
IF Gribanov, AV Golovchan, DV Varyukhin, VI Val’Kov, VI Kamenev, ...
Low Temperature Physics 35 (10), 786-791, 2009
Structure and magnetic properties of MnSb (Zn) and MnSb (Cu) solid solutions
VI Mitsiuk, VM Ryzhkovskii, TM Tkachenka
Journal of alloys and compounds 467 (1-2), 268-270, 2009
Phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in MnAs, MnAs0. 99P0. 01, and MnAs0. 98P0. 02 single crystals
VI Mitsiuk, GA Govor, M Budzyński
Inorganic Materials 49 (1), 14-17, 2013
Magnetostructural phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Mn (As, P) compounds and their composites
GA Govor, VI Mitsiuk, SA Nikitin, NY Pankratov, AI Smarzhevskaya
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 801, 428-437, 2019
Composite soft magnetic materials based on iron powder and prospects of their applications in engineering
GA Govor, AK Vetcher, VI Mitsiuk
Metallofizika i noveishie tekhnologii 34 (4), 439-444, 2012
Effect of Cu and Zn substitutions on MnSb properties
VI Mitsiuk, VM Ryzhkovskii, TM Tkachenka
AIP Conference Proceedings 1070 (1), 64-68, 2008
Direct measurement of the magnetocaloric effect in MnZnSb intermetalic compound
NY Pankratov, VI Mitsiuk, VM Ryzhkovskii, SA Nikitin
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 470, 46-49, 2019
Giant magnetocaloric effect in the region of magnetic phase transition in Mn (As, Sb) compounds
NY Pankratov, VI Mitsiuk, AI Krokhotin, AI Smarzhevskaya, GA Govor, ...
Solid State Phenomena 190, 343-346, 2012
Composition-driven structural and magnetic transitions in mechanically activated (1− x) BiFeO3–(x) BaTiO3 solid solutions
T Pikula, B Malesa, D Oleszak, M Karolus, Z Surowiec, VI Mitsiuk, ...
Solid State Communications 246, 47-53, 2016
Inhomogeneous magnetic states in Mn2 − x Zn x Sb (0.6 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) solid solutions
VM Ryzhkovskii, VI Mitsiuk
Inorganic Materials 46, 581-586, 2010
Magnetocaloric effect, structure, spinodal decomposition and phase transformations Heusler alloy Ni-Mn-In
DD Kuznetsov, EI Kuznetsova, AV Mashirov, AS Loshachenko, ...
Nanomaterials 13 (8), 1385, 2023
Магнитоструктурные фазовые переходы в монокристалле арсенида марганца
ВИ Митюк, НЮ Панкратов, ГА Говор, СА Никитин, АИ Смаржевская
Физика твердого тела 54 (10), 1865-1872, 2012
The Influence of Annealing Temperature on the Structure and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline BiFeO3 Prepared by Sol–Gel Method
T Pikula, T Szumiata, K Siedliska, VI Mitsiuk, R Panek, M Kowalczyk, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1-14, 2022
Features of Formation of the Magnetocaloric Phenomena in Mn1 – tTitAs and Mn1 – xCrxNiGe Systems
VI Val’kov, IF Gribanov, BM Todris, AV Golovchan, VI Mitsiuk
Physics of the Solid State 60, 1125-1133, 2018
Chromium and iron contained half-Heusler MnNiGe-based alloys
M Budzynski, VI Valkov, AV Golovchan, VI Kamenev, VI Mitsiuk, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 396, 166-168, 2015
Структурные особенности возникновения ферромагнитного порядка в системе MnCrNiGe
ВИ Вальков, ВИ Каменев, ВИ Митюк, ИФ Грибанов, АВ Головчан, ...
Физика твердого тела 59 (2), 266-274, 2017
Влияние сжатия решетки на магнитные свойства магнитокалорических сплавов на основе MnNiGe. I. Эксперимент
ИФ Грибанов, АП Сиваченко, ВИ Каменев, ВИ Митюк, ЛИ Медведева, ...
Физика и техника высоких давлений, 15-22, 2013
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20