Babak Javadi., Assistant Professor
Babak Javadi., Assistant Professor
أسماء أخرىCEO Industrial Consultant
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Farabi,University of Tehran
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Supplier selection and order allocation problem using a two-phase fuzzy multi-objective linear programming
S Nazari-Shirkouhi, H Shakouri, B Javadi, A Keramati
Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (22), 9308-9323, 2013
Design of a facility layout problem in cellular manufacturing systems with stochastic demands
R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, N Javadian, B Javadi, N Safaei
Applied mathematics and computation 184 (2), 721-728, 2007
Designing a new mathematical model for cellular manufacturing system based on cell utilization
I Mahdavi, B Javadi, K Fallah-Alipour, J Slomp
Applied mathematics and Computation 190 (1), 662-670, 2007
Balancing of robotic mixed-model two-sided assembly line with robot setup times
M Aghajani, R Ghodsi, B Javadi
The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology 74, 1005-1016, 2014
An electromagnetism-like algorithm for cell formation and layout problem
F Jolai, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, A Golmohammadi, B Javadi
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2), 2172-2182, 2012
A multi-objective scatter search for a bi-criteria no-wait flow shop scheduling problem
AR Rahimi-Vahed, B Javadi, M Rabbani, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
Engineering Optimization 40 (4), 331-346, 2008
The use of a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming for solving a multi-objective single-machine scheduling problem
R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, B Javadi, F Jolai, A Ghodratnama
Applied soft computing 10 (3), 919-925, 2010
No-wait flow shop scheduling using fuzzy multi-objective linear programming
B Javadi, M Saidi-Mehrabad, A Haji, I Mahdavi, F Jolai, N Mahdavi-Amiri
Journal of the Franklin Institute 345 (5), 452-467, 2008
An integrated approach for the cell formation and layout design in cellular manufacturing systems
B Javadi, F Jolai, J Slomp, M Rabbani, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
International Journal of Production Research 51 (20), 6017-6044, 2013
A variable neighborhood binary particle swarm algorithm for cell layout problem
F Jolai, M Taghipour, B Javadi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 55, 327-339, 2011
Determination of number of kanban in a cellular manufacturing system with considering rework process
M Aghajani, A Keramati, B Javadi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 63, 1177-1189, 2012
Solving a multi-objective mixed-model assembly line sequencing problem by a fuzzy goal programming approach
B Javadi, A Rahimi-Vahed, M Rabbani, M Dangchi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 39, 975-982, 2008
A hybrid electromagnetism-like algorithm for dynamic inter/intra-cell layout problem
B Javadi, F Jolai, J Slomp, M Rabbani, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 27 (6), 501-518, 2014
A two-phase linear programming methodology for fuzzy multi-objective mixed-model assembly line problem
I Mahdavi, B Javadi, N Sahebjamnia, N Mahdavi-Amiri
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 44, 1010-1023, 2009
Solving a bi-objective cell formation problem with stochastic production quantities by a two-phase fuzzy linear programming approach
M Rabbani, F Jolai, N Manavizadeh, F Radmehr, B Javadi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 58, 709-722, 2012
An efficient algorithm to inter and intra-cell layout problems in cellular manufacturing systems with stochastic demands
MR TAVAKOLI, B Javadi, F JOULAEI, SM Mirghorbani
A new approach for mixed-model assembly line sequencing
M Rabbani, A Rahimi-Vahed, B Javadi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
Operations Research Proceedings 2006: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2007
A comprehensive quadratic assignment problem for an integrated layout design of final assembly line and manufacturing feeder cells
M Rabbani, S Elahi, B Javadi
Decision Science Letters 6 (2), 165-192, 2017
Solving a mixed-integer model of a single machine scheduling problem by a fuzzy goal programmingapproach.
R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, B Javadi, N Safaei
WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 2 (3), 45-52, 2006
A genetic approach for solving a hybrid flow shop scheduling problem
I Mahdavi, MS Mojarad, B Javadi, A Tajdin
2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2008
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20