Bonnie Buchanan
Bonnie Buchanan
Director, Sustainable & Explainable FinTech (SAEF) Center, Surrey Business School
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Foreign direct investment and institutional quality: Some empirical evidence
BG Buchanan, QV Le, M Rishi
International Review of financial analysis 21, 81-89, 2012
Corporate social responsibility, firm value, and influential institutional ownership
B Buchanan, CX Cao, C Chen
Journal of Corporate Finance 52, 73-95, 2018
Money laundering—a global obstacle
B Buchanan
Research in International Business and Finance 18 (1), 115-127, 2004
Artificial intelligence in finance
BG Buchanan
Zenodo, 2019
Shareholder Proposal Rules and Practice: Evidence from a Comparison of the U nited S tates and U nited K ingdom
BG Buchanan, JM Netter, AB Poulsen, T Yang
American Business Law Journal 49 (4), 739-803, 2012
The way we live now: Financialization and securitization
BG Buchanan
Research in International Business and Finance 39, 663-677, 2017
Uncertainty and firm dividend policy—A natural experiment
BG Buchanan, CX Cao, E Liljeblom, S Weihrich
Journal of Corporate Finance 42, 179-197, 2017
The benefits and costs of controlling shareholders: the rise and fall of Parmalat
B Buchanan, T Yang
Research in International Business and Finance 19 (1), 27-52, 2005
The impact of machine learning on UK financial services
BG Buchanan, D Wright
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 37 (3), 537-563, 2021
Emerging market benefits, investability and the rule of law
BG Buchanan, PC English II, R Gordon
Emerging markets review 12 (1), 47-60, 2011
Securitization: a financing vehicle for all seasons?
BG Buchanan
Journal of Business Ethics 138, 559-577, 2016
Are shareholder proposals an important corporate governance device? Evidence from US and UK shareholder proposals
B Buchanan, JM Netter, T Yang
Evidence from US and UK Shareholder Proposals (March 2, 2010), 2010
Fintech, base of the pyramid entrepreneurs and social value creation
A Arslan, BG Buchanan, S Kamara, N Al Nabulsi
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 29 (3), 335-353, 2022
Law, finance, and emerging market returns
B Buchanan, PC English II
Emerging Markets Review 8 (3), 181-193, 2007
Securitization and the global economy: History and prospects for the future
BG Buchanan
Springer, 2016
Meenakshi Rishi. 2012.“Foreign Direct Investment and Institutional Quality: Some Empirical Evidence.”
BG Buchanan, VL Quan
International Review of Financial Analysis 21 (24), 81-89, 0
Risk Management in Emerging Markets: Issues, Framework, and Modeling
S Boubaker, B Buchanan, DK Nguyen
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016
Back to the future: 900 years of securitization
B Buchanan
The Journal of Risk Finance 15 (4), 316-333, 2014
The advantages of using quarterly returns for long-term event studies
R Bremer, BG Buchanan, PC English
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 36, 491-516, 2011
Family firm competitiveness and owner involvement
B Buchanan, M Martikainen, J Nikkinen
Journal of applied accounting research 24 (2), 260-281, 2023
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مقالات 1–20