Brunel, Frederic F.
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Individual differences in the centrality of visual product aesthetics: Concept and measurement
PH Bloch, FF Brunel, TJ Arnold
Journal of Consumer Research 29 (4), 551-565, 2003
Is the Implicit Association Test a valid and valuable measure of implicit consumer social cognition?
FF Brunel, BC Tietje, AG Greenwald
Journal of Consumer Psychology 14 (4), 385-403, 2004
Gift receipt and the reformulation of interpersonal relationships
JA Ruth, CC Otnes, FF Brunel
Journal of consumer research 25 (4), 385-402, 1999
Linking Thoughts to Feelings: Investigating Cognitive Appraisals and Consumption Emotions in a Mixed-Emotions Context
JA Ruth, FF Brunel, CC Otnes
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 30 (1), 44-58, 2002
Explaining gendered responses to “help-self” and “help-others” charity ad appeals: The mediating role of world-views
FF Brunel, MR Nelson
Journal of Advertising 29 (3), 15-28, 2000
Message order effects and gender differences in advertising persuasion
FF Brunel, MR Nelson
Journal of Advertising Research 43 (3), 330-341, 2003
When companies don't make the ad: A multimethod inquiry into the differential effectiveness of consumer-generated advertising
B Lawrence, S Fournier, F Brunel
Journal of Advertising 42 (4), 292-307, 2013
Does relationship marketing age well?
JD Hibbard, FF Brunel, RP Dant, D Iacobucci
Business strategy review 12 (4), 29-35, 2001
Effects of culture, gender, and moral obligations on responses to charity advertising across masculine and feminine cultures
MR Nelson, FF Brunel, M Supphellen, RV Manchanda
Journal of Consumer Psychology 16 (1), 45-56, 2006
“So that's what that is”: Examining the impact of analogy on consumers' knowledge development for really new products
J Gregan‐Paxton, JD Hibbard, FF Brunel, P Azar
Psychology & Marketing 19 (6), 533-550, 2002
Word-of-mouth rhetorics in social media talk
A Toder-Alon, FF Brunel, S Fournier
Word of Mouth and Social Media, 41-63, 2016
Need Hierarchies in Consumer Judgments of Product Designs: Is It Time to Reconsider Maslow's Theory?
R Yalch, FF Brunel
Advances in Consumer Research 23, 405-410, 1996
An investigation of the power of emotions in relationship realignment: The gift recipient's perspective
JA Ruth, FF Brunel, CC Otnes
Psychology & Marketing 21 (1), 29-52, 2004
Judgment is not color blind: The impact of automatic color preference on product and advertising preferences
I Kareklas, FF Brunel, RA Coulter
Journal of Consumer Psychology 24 (1), 87-95, 2014
Design orientation a grounded theory analysis of design thinking and action
A Venkatesh, T Digerfeldt-Månsson, FF Brunel, S Chen
Marketing Theory 12 (3), 289-309, 2012
Design and the Big Five: Linking Product Aesthetics to Product Personality
FF Brunel, R Kumar
Advances in Consumer Research 34, 238-239, 2007
Ritual behavior and community life-cycle: exploring the social psychological roles of net rituals in the development of online consumption communities
A Alon, F Brunel, WS Siegal
Online consumer psychology: Understanding how to interact with consumers in …, 2005
Dynamics of community engagement: The role of interpersonal communicative genres in online community evolutions
A Toder Alon, FF Brunel
Consumer culture theory, 371-400, 2007
Kelly criterion for multivariate portfolios: A model-free approach
V Nekrasov
Available at SSRN 2259133, 2014
Using innovations in student teaming to leverage crossfunctional and marketing learning: Evidence from a fully integrated undergraduate core
FF Brunel, JD Hibbard
Marketing Education Review 16 (3), 15-23, 2006
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مقالات 1–20