David J. Hansen
David J. Hansen
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Defragmenting definitions of entrepreneurial opportunity
DJ Hansen, R Shrader, J Monllor
Journal of small business management 49 (2), 283-304, 2011
Anatomy of competitive advantage: towards a contingency theory of entrepreneurial marketing
P Whalen, C Uslay, VJ Pascal, G Omura, A McAuley, CJ Kasouf, R Jones, ...
Journal of Strategic Marketing 24 (1), 5-19, 2016
Examining the relationship between customer and entrepreneurial orientation on nascent firms’ marketing strategy
F Eggers, DJ Hansen, AE Davis
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 8, 203-222, 2012
A multidimensional examination of a creativity‐based opportunity recognition model
DJ Hansen, GT Lumpkin, GE Hills
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 17 (5), 515-533, 2011
The marketing/entrepreneurship interface: a report on the “Charleston Summit”
DJ Hansen, F Eggers
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 12 (1), 42-53, 2010
Identifying the elements of entrepreneurial opportunity constructs: Recognizing what scholars are really examining
DJ Hansen, J Monllor, RC Shrader
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 17 (4), 240-255, 2016
The future is in the past: A framework for the Marketing-Entrepreneurship Interface (MEI)
DJ Hansen, JH Deacon, V Pascal, Z Sethna
Journal of Business Research 113, 198-208, 2020
Thinking “sustainably”: the role of intentions, cognitions, and emotions in understanding new domains of entrepreneurship
N Krueger, DJ Hansen, T Michl, DHB Welsh
Social and sustainable entrepreneurship 13, 275-309, 2011
A value creation view of opportunity recognition processes
GE Hills, DJ Hansen, CM Hultman
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2 (4), 404-417, 2005
Opportunity development: An exploratory study of ecopreneurs using a creativity perspective
DJ Hansen, J Monllor, L McMurchie
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 14 (1), 27-39, 2012
Composite definitions of entrepreneurial opportunity and their operationalizations: Toward a typology
DJ Hansen, R Shrader, J Monllor
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 29 (17), 1, 2009
Industry differences in opportunity recognition
DJ Hansen, GE Hills
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 6 (1), 18-32, 2004
Opportunity: An 11-letter word
DJ Hansen, R Shrader
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain, 2007
Testing and refining a creativity-based model of opportunity recognition
DJ Hansen, GT Lumpkin
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 29 (17), 2, 2009
Opportunity recognition processes: A value creation context
GE Hills, DJ Hansen, C Hultman
Value Creation in Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Fueglistaller, U., Volery, T …, 2004
Academic Career Opportunities in Entrepreneurial Marketing: Revisiting Teach & Miles (1997)
RD Teach, MP Miles, DJ Hansen
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 10, 85-100, 2007
Marketing/entrepreneurship interface: revisited and future directions
CM Hultman, D Hansen, GE Hills
2nd Symposium on the Entrepreneurship-Innovation-Marketing Interface …, 2007
Opportunity: An 11-letter word (summary)
DJ Hansen, R Shrader
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 27 (17), 3, 2007
Using the creativity model of opportunity recognition to understand the front end of product innovation
DJ Hansen
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2007
Introduction to the special issue: the business model canvas and customer development
D Hansen, J Giglierano, PS Whalen
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 20 (1), 2-9, 2018
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مقالات 1–20