Carlos Vilalta
Carlos Vilalta
Mexico City
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A global analysis of the impact of COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions on crime
AE Nivette, R Zahnow, R Aguilar, A Ahven, S Amram, B Ariel, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (7), 868-877, 2021
El miedo al crimen en México: estructura lógica, bases empíricas y recomendaciones iniciales de política pública
CJ Vilalta Perdomo
Gestión y política pública 19 (1), 3-36, 2010
Los determinantes de la percepción de inseguridad frente al delito en México
CJ Vilalta
IDB Working Paper Series, 2012
Cómo enseñar autocorrelación espacial
CJ Vilalta
Economía, sociedad y territorio, 323-333, 2005
Fear of crime in gated communities and apartment buildings: a comparison of housing types and a test of theories
CJ Vilalta
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 26, 107-121, 2011
Fear of crime in public transport: Research in Mexico City
CJ Vilalta
Crime prevention and community safety 13, 171-186, 2011
Violent crime in Latin American cities
CJV Perdomo, JG Castillo, JA Torres
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Los delitos contra la salud en México (1997 - 2011)
C Vilalta
Las bases sociales del crimen organizado, 46, 2016
What explains criminal violence in Mexico City? A test of two theories of crime
C Vilalta, R Muggah
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 5 (1), 1-1, 2016
Violence in Latin America: An overview of research and issues
C Vilalta
Annual Review of Sociology 46 (1), 693-706, 2020
Fear of crime and home security systems
CJ Vilalta
Police Practice and Research 13 (1), 4-14, 2012
Primera Encuesta a Población Interna en Centros Federales de Readaptación Social-2012
C Pérez Correa, E Azaola, J Salgado Ibarra, G Pérez, M Bergman, ...
How did things get so bad so quickly? An assessment of the initial conditions of the war against organized crime in Mexico
C Vilalta
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 20, 137-161, 2014
The local context and the spatial diffusion of multiparty competition in Urban Mexico, 1994–2000
CJV y Perdomo
Political Geography 23 (4), 403-423, 2004
Violent disorder in Ciudad Juarez: A spatial analysis of homicide
C Vilalta, R Muggah
Trends in organized crime 17, 161-180, 2014
Does the Mexican war on organized crime mediate the impact of fear of crime on daily routines?
CJ Vilalta
Crime & delinquency 62 (11), 1448-1464, 2016
How exactly does place matter in crime analysis? Place, space, and spatial heterogeneity
CJ Vilalta
Journal of Criminal Justice Education 24 (3), 290-315, 2013
The spatial dynamics and socioeconomic correlates of drug arrests in Mexico City
CJ Vilalta
Applied Geography 30 (2), 263-270, 2010
The law on the streets: Evaluating the impact of Mexico’s drug decriminalization reform on drug possession arrests in Tijuana, Mexico
J Arredondo, T Gaines, S Manian, C Vilalta, A Bañuelos, SA Strathdee, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 54, 1-8, 2018
Un modelo descriptivo de la geografía del robo en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México
C Vilalta
Journal of Latin American Geography, 55-78, 2009
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20