Sotiria Theodoropoulou
Sotiria Theodoropoulou
Senior Researcher and Head of Unit European, economic, employment and social policies, European
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Withdrawal symptoms: an assessment of the austerity packages in Europe
S Theodoropoulou, A Watt
ETUI working paper 2011.02, 2011
Knowledge Workers and Knowledge Work A Knowledge Economy Programme Report
I Brinkley, R Fauth, M Mahdon, S Theodoropoulou
The Work Foundation http://bit.ly/1zHJEBs, 2009
National social and labour market policy reforms in the shadow of EU Bailout conditionality: The cases of Greece and Portugal
S Theodoropoulou
The Sovereign Debt Crisis, the EU and Welfare State Reform, 95-130, 2016
The trilemma revisited: Institutions, inequality, and employment creation in an era of ICT-intensive service expansion
A Wren, M Fodor, S Theodoropoulou
The political economy of the service transition 108, 2013
How do economic governance reforms and austerity measures affect inclusive growth as formulated in the Europe 2020 Strategy?
J Leschke, S Theodoropoulou, A Watt
A triumph of failed ideas European models of capitalism in the crisis 243, 2012
Unemployment, internal devaluation and labour market deregulation in Europe
M Myant, S Theodoropoulou, A Piasna
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), 2016
Labour market policies in the era of pervasive austerity: a European perspective
S Theodoropoulou
Policy Press, 378, 2018
Has the EU become more intrusive in shaping national welfare state reforms? Evidence from Greece and Portugal
S Theodoropoulou
ETUI Working Paper 2014.04, 2014
Towards ‘Europe 2020’? Austerity and new economic governance in the EU
J Leschke, S Theodoropoulou, A Watt
Edited by Steffen Lehndorff, 295, 2014
Recovery, resilience and growth regimes under overlapping EU conditionalities: the case of Greece
S Theodoropoulou
Comparative European Politics 20 (2), 201, 2022
Severe pain, very little gain: internal devaluation and rising unemployment in Greece
S Theodoropoulou
Unemployment, internal devaluation and labour market deregulation in Europe, 25, 2016
Is knowledge work better for us? Knowledge workers, good work and wellbeing
I Brinkley, R Fauth, M Mahdon, S Theodoropoulou
A Knowledge Economy Programme Report, 2010
Skills and education for growth and well-being in Europe 2020: are we on the right path
S Theodoropoulou
EPC Issue Paper 61, 2010
Drifting into labour market insecurity? Labour market reforms in Europe after 2010
S Theodoropoulou
Labour market reforms in Europe after, 2010
Convergence to fair wage growth? Evidence from European countries on the link between productivity and real compensation growth, 1970–2017
S Theodoropoulou
European Trade Union Institute, 2019
An Evaluation of the Austerity Strategy in the Eurozone: Was the First Greek Bailout Programme Bound to Fail?
S Theodoropoulou, A Watt
The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece in the Eurozone Crisis, 2015
What did they expect? Lessons for Europe from a retrospective ex-ante evaluation of the first Greek bail-out programme
S Theodoropoulou, A Watt
ETUI Working Paper 2012.10, 2012
Balancing objectives? Just transition in national recovery and resilience plans
S Theodoropoulou, M Akgüç, J Wall
ETUI: European Trade Union Institute, 2022
The socio-ecological dimension of the EU’s recovery: further traction for the European Green Deal
S Sabato, S Theodoropoulou
Social policy in the European Union: state of play, 43-67, 2022
EMU and the European Pillar of Social Rights: Do (Shall) the Twain Ever Meet?
Z Rasnača, S Theodoropoulou
Social Policies 7 (2), 331-354, 2020
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مقالات 1–20