مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - Eduardo Fabianoمزيد من المعلومات
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 9
Implementation of surface hopping molecular dynamics using semiempirical methods
E Fabiano, TW Keal, W Thiel
Chemical Physics 349 (1-3), 334-347, 2008
التفويضات: German Research Foundation
Nonradiative deexcitation dynamics of 9H-adenine: An OM2 surface hopping study
E Fabiano, W Thiel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (30), 6859-6863, 2008
التفويضات: German Research Foundation
QM/MM Nonadiabatic Decay Dynamics of 9H‐Adenine in Aqueous Solution
Z Lan, Y Lu, E Fabiano, W Thiel
ChemPhysChem 12 (10), 1989-1998, 2011
التفويضات: German Research Foundation
[1]Benzothieno[3,2-b]benzothiophene-Based Organic Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
AL Capodilupo, E Fabiano, L De Marco, G Ciccarella, G Gigli, C Martinelli, ...
The Journal of organic chemistry 81 (8), 3235-3245, 2016
التفويضات: Government of Italy
High-performance electrofluorochromic switching devices using a novel arylamine-fluorene redox-active fluorophore
GA Corrente, E Fabiano, M La Deda, F Manni, G Gigli, G Chidichimo, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (13), 12202-12208, 2019
التفويضات: Government of Italy
Arylamino-fluorene derivatives: Optically induced electron transfer investigation, redox-controlled modulation of absorption and fluorescence
AL Capodilupo, F Manni, GA Corrente, G Accorsi, E Fabiano, A Cardone, ...
Dyes and Pigments 177, 108325, 2020
التفويضات: Government of Italy
Control of electron transfer processes in multidimensional arylamine-based mixed-valence compounds by molecular backbone design
AL Capodilupo, E Fabiano, L Franco, S Gambino, M Leoncini, G Accorsi, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (36), 7840-7851, 2021
التفويضات: Government of Italy
Plasmon couplings from subsystem time-dependent density functional theory
G Giannone, S Smiga, S D’Agostino, E Fabiano, F Della Sala
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (33), 7246-7259, 2021
التفويضات: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Boosting the OEP2-sc method with spin-component scaling
S Siecińska, S Śmiga, I Grabowski, F Della Sala, E Fabiano
Molecular Physics 120 (19-20), e2037771, 2022
التفويضات: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
عدد المقالات البحثية المتاحة للجميع في موقع ما: 31
Photoinduced nonadiabatic dynamics of pyrimidine nucleobases: On-the-fly surface-hopping study with semiempirical methods
Z Lan, E Fabiano, W Thiel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (11), 3548-3555, 2009
التفويضات: German Research Foundation
“Darker-than-Black” PbS quantum dots: enhancing optical absorption of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals via short conjugated ligands
C Giansante, I Infante, E Fabiano, R Grisorio, GP Suranna, G Gigli
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (5), 1875-1886, 2015
التفويضات: Government of Spain, Government of Italy
Photoinduced Nonadiabatic Dynamics of 9H‐Guanine
Z Lan, E Fabiano, W Thiel
ChemPhysChem 10 (8), 1225-1229, 2009
التفويضات: German Research Foundation
TURBOMOLE: Today and tomorrow
YJ Franzke, C Holzer, JH Andersen, T Begušić, F Bruder, S Coriani, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 19 (20), 6859-6890, 2023
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, German Research …
Colorless to all-black full-NIR high-contrast switching in solid electrochromic films prepared with organic mixed valence systems based on dibenzofulvene derivatives
GA Corrente, E Fabiano, F Manni, G Chidichimo, G Gigli, A Beneduci, ...
Chemistry of Materials 30 (16), 5610-5620, 2018
التفويضات: Government of Italy
Laplacian-level kinetic energy approximations based on the fourth-order gradient expansion: Global assessment and application to the subsystem formulation of density functional …
S Laricchia, LA Constantin, E Fabiano, F Della Sala
Journal of chemical theory and computation 10 (1), 164-179, 2014
التفويضات: European Commission
Design and synthesis of fluorenone-based dyes: two-photon excited fluorescent probes for imaging of lysosomes and mitochondria in living cells
AL Capodilupo, V Vergaro, E Fabiano, M De Giorgi, F Baldassarre, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3 (16), 3315-3323, 2015
التفويضات: Government of Italy
Approximate switching algorithms for trajectory surface hopping
E Fabiano, G Groenhof, W Thiel
Chemical Physics 351 (1-3), 111-116, 2008
التفويضات: German Research Foundation
Interaction-strength interpolation method for main-group chemistry: Benchmarking, limitations, and perspectives
E Fabiano, P Gori-Giorgi, M Seidl, F Della Sala
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 12 (10), 4885-4896, 2016
التفويضات: European Commission
Orbital-dependent second-order scaled-opposite-spin correlation functionals in the optimized effective potential method
I Grabowski, E Fabiano, AM Teale, S Śmiga, A Buksztel, FD Sala
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2), 2014
التفويضات: European Commission
Communication: Strong-interaction limit of an adiabatic connection in Hartree-Fock theory
M Seidl, S Giarrusso, S Vuckovic, E Fabiano, P Gori-Giorgi
The Journal of chemical physics 149 (24), 2018
التفويضات: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission
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