andré laurent a.laurent
andré laurent a.laurent
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
High-pressure trickle-bed reactors: a review
MH Al-Dahhan, F Larachi, MP Dudukovic, A Laurent
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 36 (8), 3292-3314, 1997
Experimental study of a trickle-bed reactor operating at high pressure: two-phase pressure drop and liquid saturation
F Larachi, A Laurent, N Midoux, G Wild
Chemical Engineering Science 46 (5-6), 1233-1246, 1991
A new, improved liquid hold-up correlation for trickle-bed reactors
MJ Ellman, N Midoux, G Wild, A Laurent, JC Charpentier
Chemical Engineering Science 45 (7), 1677-1684, 1990
A new, improved pressure drop correlation for trickle-bed reactors
MJ Ellman, N Midoux, A Laurent, JC Charpentier
Tenth International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2201-2206, 1988
Chemical kinetics of the reaction of carbon dioxide with amines in pseudo m-nth order conditions in aqueous and organic solutions
C Alvarez-Fuster, N Midoux, A Laurent, JC Charpentier
Chemical Engineering Science 35 (8), 1717-1723, 1980
Gas–liquid interfacial mass transfer in trickle-bed reactors: state-of-the-art correlations
I Iliuta, F Larachi, BPA Grandjean, G Wild
Chemical Engineering Science 54 (23), 5633-5645, 1999
Chemical kinetics of the reaction of CO2 with amines in pseudo m–nth order conditions in polar and viscous organic solutions
C Alvarez-Fuster, N Midoux, A Laurent, JC Charpentier
Chemical Engineering Science 36 (9), 1513-1518, 1981
Some experimental liquid saturation results in fixed-bed reactors operated under elevated pressure in cocurrent upflow and downflow of the gas and the liquid
F Larachi, A Laurent, G Wild, N Midoux
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 30 (11), 2404-2410, 1991
Gas− liquid interfacial mass transfer in trickle-bed reactors at elevated pressures
F Larachi, M Cassanello, A Laurent
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 37 (3), 718-733, 1998
Process safety education of future employee 4.0 in Industry 4.0
A Gajek, B Fabiano, A Laurent, N Jensen
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 75, 104691, 2022
Electrochemical study of liquid-solid mass transfer in packed beds with upward cocurrent gas-liquid flow
G Delaunay, A Storck, A Laurent, JC Charpentier
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 19 (4 …, 1980
When solids meet solids: a glimpse into dust mixture explosions
O Dufaud, L Perrin, D Bideau, A Laurent
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 25 (5), 853-861, 2012
Mass transfer characteristics of fixed beds with cocurrent upflow and downflow. A special refence to the effect of pressure.
AL Marquez, F Larachi, G Wild, A Laurent
Chemical engineering science 47 (13-14), 3485-3492, 1992
Current situation and future implementation of safety curricula for chemical engineering education in France
L Perrin, A Laurent
Education for chemical engineers 3 (2), e84-e91, 2008
Interfacial area and liquid side mass transfer coefficient in trickle bed reactors operating with organic liquids
N Midoux, BI Morsi, M Purwasasmita, A Laurent, JC Charpentier
Chemical Engineering Science 39 (5), 781-794, 1984
A critical perspective on the implementation of the EU Council Seveso Directives in France, Germany, Italy and Spain
A Laurent, A Pey, P Gurtel, B Fabiano
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 148, 47-74, 2021
Hydrodynamics and interfacal areas in downward cocurrent gas-iquid flow through fixed beds-Influence of the nature of the liquid.
BI Morsi, N Midoux, A Laurent, JC Charpentier
International Chemical Engineering 22 (1), 142-151, 1982
Aires interfaciales et coefficients de transfert de matière dans les divers types d'absorbeurs et de réacteurs gaz—liquide
A Laurent, JC Charpentier
The Chemical Engineering Journal 8 (2), 85-101, 1974
Sécurité des procédés chimiques. Connaissances et méthodes d'analyse des risques (2° Éd.)
L André
Lavoisier, 2011
Influence of gas density on the hydrodynamics of cocurrent gas-liquid upflow fixed bed reactors
F Larachi, G Wild, A Laurent, N Midoux
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 33 (3), 519-525, 1994
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مقالات 1–20