Manuel Sapiano
Manuel Sapiano
Energy and Water Agency, Malta
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Sixty years of global progress in managed aquifer recharge
P Dillon, P Stuyfzand, T Grischek, M Lluria, RDG Pyne, RC Jain, J Bear, ...
Hydrogeology journal 27 (1), 1-30, 2019
Can seawater desalination be a win-win fix to our water cycle?
A Pistocchi, T Bleninger, C Breyer, U Caldera, C Dorati, D Ganora, ...
Water Research 182, 115906, 2020
An isotope study of the sources of nitrate in Malta’s groundwater
THE Heaton, ME Stuart, M Sapiano, MM Sultana
Journal of Hydrology 414, 244-254, 2012
Perfluoroalkyl substances in the Maltese environment–(II) sediments, soils and groundwater
G Sammut, E Sinagra, M Sapiano, R Helmus, P De Voogt
Science of The Total Environment 682, 180-189, 2019
Groundwater residence time and movement in the Maltese islands–A geochemical approach
ME Stuart, L Maurice, THE Heaton, M Sapiano, MM Sultana, DC Gooddy, ...
Applied Geochemistry 25 (5), 609-620, 2010
A risk assessment methodology to evaluate the risk failure of managed aquifer recharge in the Mediterranean Basin
P Rodríguez-Escales, A Canelles, X Sanchez-Vila, A Folch, D Kurtzman, ...
Hydrology and Earth system sciences 22 (6), 3213-3227, 2018
Spatial data management and numerical modelling: Demonstrating the application of the QGIS-integrated FREEWAT platform at 13 case studies for tackling groundwater resource …
G De Filippis, C Pouliaris, D Kahuda, TA Vasile, VA Manea, F Zaun, ...
Water 12 (1), 41, 2019
The state of water resources in major Mediterranean islands
F Viola, M Sapiano, M Schembri, C Brincat, A Lopez, A Toscano, ...
Water Resources 41, 639-648, 2014
Measures for facing water scarcity and drought in Malta
M Sapiano
European Water 23 (24), 79-86, 2008
Numerically enhanced conceptual modelling (NECoM) applied to the Malta mean sea level aquifer
L Francesca, B Iacopo, G Enrico, B Alessio, P Basile, L Favaro, A Mallia, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 29 (4), 1517-1537, 2021
The evolution of water culture in Malta: an analysis of the changing perceptions towards water throughout the ages
M Sapiano, P Micallef, G Attard, ML Zammit
CIHEAM/EU DG Research, 2008
Malta water resources review
M Sapiano, J Mangion, C Batchelor
Rome (Italy) FAO, 2006
Integrated water resources management in the Maltese islands
M Sapiano
Acque Sotterranee-Italian Journal of Groundwater 9 (3), 2020
대수층 함양관리의 60 년간 세계적 진보
P Dillon, P Stuyfzand, T Grischek, M Lluria, RDG Pyne, RC Jain, J Bear, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 27 (1), 1-30, 2018
Interview–Malta: Water scarcity is a fact of life
M Sapiano
European Environment Agency, available at https://www. eea. europa. eu …, 2018
Integrating numerical models in river basin management plans: The FREEWAT project
M Sapiano, M Schembri, H Debattista, N Theuma
WIT Trans. Ecol. Environ 220, 227-238, 2017
Geological and hydrogeological reconstruction of the main aquifers of the Maltese islands.
A Barbagli, E Guastaldi, P Conti, M Giannuzzi, I Borsi, F Lotti, P Basile, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 29 (8), 2021
Water consumption in the domestic sector in Malta
M Sapiano
Ministry for energy and the conservation of water, 2013
The Mean Sea Level Aquifer, Malta and Gozo
J Mangion, M Sapiano
Natural Groundwater Quality, 404-420, 2008
Optimizing the management of the Gozo mean sea-level aquifer (Malta)
M Sapiano, M Schembri, H Debattista
The Energy & Water Agency, Pisa, 12th July, 2017
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مقالات 1–20