The alien doctors: foreign medical graduates in american hospitals R Stevens, LW Goodman, SS Mick | 106 | 1978 |
Selected studies in marriage and the family RF Winch Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968 | 97 | 1968 |
The military and democracy: The future of civil-military relations in Latin America LW Goodman, J Mendelson, J Rial Roade (No Title), 1990 | 88 | 1990 |
Lessons of the Venezuelan experience L Goodman, J Forman, M Naím, J Tulchin < bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 1994 | 79 | 1994 |
The multinational corporation and social change DE Apter, LW Goodman (No Title), 1976 | 68 | 1976 |
Military roles past and present LW Goodman Civil-Military Relations and Democracy, 30-43, 1996 | 66 | 1996 |
Capitalism, industrialization, and kinship in Latin America: major issues FM Cancian, LW Goodman, PH Smith Journal of Family history 3 (4), 319-336, 1978 | 48 | 1978 |
Political parties and democracy in Central America LW Goodman, WM LeoGrande, JM Forman, K Sharpe Routledge, 2019 | 45 | 2019 |
Small nations, giant firms LW Goodman Holmes & Meier, 1987 | 43 | 1987 |
Multipolar or multiplex? Interaction capacity, global cooperation and world order A Acharya, A Estevadeordal, LW Goodman International Affairs 99 (6), 2339-2365, 2023 | 37 | 2023 |
Democracy, Sovereignty, and Intervention LW Goodman Am. UJ Int'l L. & Pol'y 9, 27, 1993 | 35 | 1993 |
Los militares y la democracia: El futuro de las relaciones cívico-militares en América Latina LW Goodman, JSR Mendelson, J Rial Roade (No Title), 1990 | 30 | 1990 |
Workers and managers in Latin America SM Davis, LW Goodman (No Title), 1972 | 29 | 1972 |
Physician Migration Reexamined: The magnitude of the migration of foreign physicians to the United States since 1965 has been overstated. R Stevens, LW Goodman, SS Mick, JG Darge Science 190 (4213), 439-442, 1975 | 27 | 1975 |
Licensure, competence, and manpower distribution: a follow-up study of foreign medical graduates A Goldblatt, LW Goodman, SS Mick, R Stevens New England Journal of Medicine 292 (3), 137-141, 1975 | 25 | 1975 |
21st-century cooperation, regional public goods, and sustainable development A Estevadeordal, LW Goodman 21st Century Cooperation, 3-13, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
21st century cooperation: regional public goods, global governance, and sustainable development A Estevadeordal, LW Goodman Taylor & Francis, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
What happens to foreign-trained doctors who come to the United States? RA Stevens, LW Goodman, SS Mick Inquiry 11 (2), 112-124, 1974 | 21 | 1974 |
Reshaping Global Order in the 21st Century: G‐Plus Leadership in a Multiplex World A Acharya, A Estevadeordal, LW Goodman China & World Economy 27 (5), 63-78, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
United States foreign medical graduates in Connecticut: how they compare with foreign medical graduates SS Mick, RA Stevens, LW Goodman Medical care 14 (6), 489-501, 1976 | 13 | 1976 |