Jukka Luoma
Jukka Luoma
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Aalto University School of Science
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
What counts versus what can be counted: The complex interplay of market orientation and marketing performance measurement
J Frösén, J Luoma, M Jaakkola, H Tikkanen, J Aspara
Journal of Marketing 80 (3), 60-78, 2016
On the importance of behavioral operational research: The case of understanding and communicating about dynamic systems
RP Hämäläinen, J Luoma, E Saarinen
European Journal of Operational Research 228 (3), 623-634, 2013
Model-based organizational decision making: A behavioral lens
J Luoma
European Journal of Operational Research 249 (3), 816-826, 2016
A dual-processing view of three cognitive strategies in strategic decision making: Intuition, analytic reasoning, and reframing
J Luoma, F Martela
Long Range Planning 54 (3), 102065, 2021
Time delays, competitive interdependence, and firm performance
J Luoma, S Ruutu, AW King, H Tikkanen
Strategic Management Journal 38 (3), 506-525, 2017
Acting with systems intelligence: integrating complex responsive processes with the systems perspective
J Luoma, RP Hämäläinen, E Saarinen
Journal of the Operational Research Society 62 (1), 3-11, 2010
Big splash, no waves? C ognitive mechanisms driving incumbent firms’ responses to low‐price market entry strategies
J Luoma, T Falk, D Totzek, H Tikkanen, A Mrozek
Strategic Management Journal 39 (5), 1388-1410, 2018
Systems thinking in complex responsive processes and systems intelligence
J Luoma
Systems intelligence in leadership and everyday life, 281-294, 2007
Toward a routine-based view of interfirm rivalry
J Luoma, T Laamanen, JA Lamberg
Strategic Organization 20 (2), 433-446, 2022
Information standards in retailing? A review and future outlook
M Hänninen, J Luoma, L Mitronen
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 31 (2 …, 2021
Perspectives on team dynamics: Meta learning and systems intelligence
J Luoma, RP Hämäläinen, E Saarinen
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 25 (6), 757-767, 2008
How customer knowledge affects exploration: Generating, guiding, and gatekeeping
A Sihvonen, J Luoma, T Falk
Industrial Marketing Management 94, 90-105, 2021
Reflexive quantitative research
J Luoma, J Hietanen
Academy of Management Review, amr. 2021.0234, 2024
Mathematical modeling is more than fitting equations.
RP Hämäläinen, J Luoma, E Saarinen
American Psychological Association 69 (6), 633, 2014
Ideology in vicarious learning–related communication
JA Lamberg, J Luoma
Organization Science 32 (3), 708-730, 2021
Systems intelligence in the process of systems thinking
J Luoma
Helsinki University of Technology, 2009
Systems intelligence thinking as engineering philosophy
E Saarinen, RP Hämäläinen, M Martela, J Luoma
Workshop on Philosophy &, 7, 2008
Overshooting Opportunities: CEO Self-Regulation, Competitive Behavior and Firm Performance
I Vaniala, J Luoma, H Tikkanen, J Frösén, C Cho, JP Huhtala
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 15408, 2016
Markkinoinnin perusteet
J Luoma, A Sihvonen
Kohdeasiakkaiden valinta. Aalto yliopisto/markkinoinnin laitos. Viitattu 27 …, 2016
Complementarity of Innovation Capability and Customer-Linking Capability: A Configurational Approach
M Jaakkola, J Luoma, J Frösén, H Tikkanen, J Aspara
Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same …, 2015
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مقالات 1–20