Domenico Famularo
Domenico Famularo
DIMES-Università della Calabria
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Robust non-fragile LQ controllers: the static state feedback case
D Famularo, P Dorato, CT Abdallah, WM Haddad, A Jadbabaie
International Journal of control 73 (2), 159-165, 2000
A robust deconvolution scheme for fault detection and isolation of uncertain linear systems: an LMI approach
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franzè
Automatica 41 (8), 1463-1472, 2005
A feedback min-max MPC algorithm for LPV systems subject to bounded rates of change of parameters
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franze
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 47 (7), 1147-1153, 2002
Robust, non-fragile and optimal controller design via linear matrix inequalities
A Jadbabaie, CT Abdallah, D Famularo, P Dorato
Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No …, 1998
Robust constrained predictive control of uncertain norm-bounded linear systems
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franzé
Automatica 40 (11), 1865-1876, 2004
Robust fault detection of uncertain linear systems via quasi-LMIs
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franze
Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005., 1654-1659, 2005
Model predictive control for constrained networked systems subject to data losses
G Franzè, F Tedesco, D Famularo
Automatica 54, 272-278, 2015
Predictive control of constrained nonlinear systems via LPV linear embeddings
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franzè
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2003
Resilience against replay attacks: A distributed model predictive control scheme for networked multi-agent systems
G Franzè, F Tedesco, D Famularo
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 8 (3), 628-640, 2020
A fault-detection, filter-design method for linear parameter-varying systems
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franze, M Sorbara
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2007
Index branch-and-bound algorithm for Lipschitz univariate global optimization with multiextremal constraints
YD Sergeyev, D Famularo, P Pugliese
Journal of Global Optimization 21 (3), 317-341, 2001
Robust finite-time stability design via linear matrix inequalities
P Dorato, CT Abdallah, D Famularo
IEEE conference on decision and control 2, 1305-1306, 1997
A fast ellipsoidal MPC scheme for discrete-time polytopic linear parameter varying systems
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franzè, E Garone
Automatica 48 (10), 2620-2626, 2012
Output feedback model predictive control of uncertain norm‐bounded linear systems
D Famularo, G Franze
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 21 (8), 838-862, 2011
Index information algorithm with local tuning for solving multidimensional global optimization problems with multiextremal constraints
YD Sergeyev, P Pugliese, D Famularo
Mathematical programming 96 (3), 489-512, 2003
A global optimization technique for checking parametric robustness
D Famularo, P Pugliese, YD Sergeyev
Automatica 35 (9), 1605-1611, 1999
On the design of non-fragile compensators via symbolic quantifier elimination
P Dorato, CT Abdallah, D Famularo, CA di Rende
World Automation Congress, 9-14, 1998
A set-theoretic reconfiguration feedback control scheme against simultaneous stuck actuators
W Lucia, D Famularo, G Franze
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (8), 2558-2565, 2017
Distributed receding horizon control of constrained networked leader–follower formations subject to packet dropouts
G Franzè, A Casavola, D Famularo, W Lucia
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 26 (5), 1798-1809, 2017
An improved predictive control strategy for polytopic LPV linear systems
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franze, E Garone
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 5820-5825, 2006
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مقالات 1–20