Trevor Bright
Trevor Bright
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على gatech.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Infrared optical properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline Ta2O5 thin films
TJ Bright, JI Watjen, ZM Zhang, C Muratore, AA Voevodin, DI Koukis, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (8), 2013
Optical properties of HfO2 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering: From the visible to the far-infrared
TJ Bright, JI Watjen, ZM Zhang, C Muratore, AA Voevodin
Thin Solid Films 520 (22), 6793-6802, 2012
Performance of near-field thermophotovoltaic cells enhanced with a backside reflector
TJ Bright, LP Wang, ZM Zhang
Journal of Heat Transfer 136 (6), 062701, 2014
Application conditions of effective medium theory in near-field radiative heat transfer between multilayered metamaterials
XL Liu, TJ Bright, ZM Zhang
Journal of Heat Transfer 136 (9), 092703, 2014
Common misperceptions of the hyperbolic heat equation
TJ Bright, ZM Zhang
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 23 (3), 601-607, 2009
Energy streamlines in near-field radiative heat transfer between hyperbolic metamaterials
T Bright, X Liu, Z Zhang
Optics Express 22 (S4), A1112-A1127, 2014
Spectral radiative properties of tungsten thin films in the infrared
JI Watjen, TJ Bright, ZM Zhang, C Muratore, AA Voevodin
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61, 106-113, 2013
Reexamination of the statistical derivations of Fourier's law and Cattaneo's equation
ZM Zhang, TJ Bright, GP Peterson
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 15 (4), 220-228, 2011
Entropy generation in thin films evaluated from phonon radiative transport
TJ Bright, ZM Zhang
Non-Fourier Heat Equations in Solids Analyzed from Phonon Statistics
TJ Bright
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
Infrared Properties of Dielectric Thin Films and Near-field Radiation for Energy Conversion
TJ Bright
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
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مقالات 1–11