مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - George Pasparakisمزيد من المعلومات
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 2
Well‐defined backbone degradable polymer–drug conjugates synthesized by reversible addition‐fragmentation chain‐transfer polymerization
F Joubert, G Pasparakis
Journal of Polymer Science 58 (14), 2010-2021, 2020
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Photochemical internalization using natural anticancer drugs, antimetabolites, and Nanoformulations: a systematic study against breast and pancreatic cancer cell lines
C Barnett, F Joubert, A Iliopoulou, RS Álvarez, G Pasparakis
Molecular Pharmaceutics 20 (3), 1818-1841, 2023
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
عدد المقالات البحثية المتاحة للجميع في موقع ما: 15
Stimuli responsive self-healing polymers: gels, elastomers and membranes
AJR Amaral, G Pasparakis
Polymer Chemistry 8 (42), 6464-6484, 2017
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Dual controlled delivery of squalenoyl-gemcitabine and paclitaxel using thermo-responsive polymeric micelles for pancreatic cancer
M Emamzadeh, D Desmaële, P Couvreur, G Pasparakis
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 6, 2230-2239, 2018
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Transiently malleable multi-healable hydrogel nanocomposites based on responsive boronic acid copolymers
AJR Amaral, M Emamzadeh, G Pasparakis
Polymer Chemistry 9 (4), 525-537, 2018
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Cell membrane engineering with synthetic materials: applications in cell spheroids, cellular glues and microtissue formation
AJR Amaral, G Pasparakis
Acta Biomaterialia, 2019
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Electrosprayed Janus particles for combined photo-chemotherapy
B Sanchez-Vazquez, AJR Amaral, DG Yu, G Pasparakis, GR Williams
Aaps Pharmscitech 18, 1460-1468, 2017
التفويضات: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Engineering and Physical …
Development of a Gemcitabine-Polymer Conjugate with Prolonged Cytotoxicity against a Pancreatic Cancer Cell Line
F Joubert, L Martin, S Perrier, G Pasparakis
ACS Macro Letters 6, 535-540, 2017
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Dually crosslinked injectable alginate-based graft copolymer thermoresponsive hydrogels as 3D printing bioinks for cell spheroid growth and release
SF Saravanou, K Ioannidis, A Dimopoulos, A Paxinou, F Kounelaki, ...
Carbohydrate Polymers 312, 120790, 2023
التفويضات: European Commission
Electrospun boronic acid-containing polymer membranes as fluorescent sensors for bacteria detection
J Quirós, AJR Amaral, G Pasparakis, GR Williams, R Rosal
Reactive and Functional Polymers 121, 23-31, 2017
التفويضات: Government of Spain
Dual Controlled Delivery of Gemcitabine and Cisplatin using Polymer Modified Thermosensitive Liposomes for Pancreatic Cancer
M Emamzadeh, M Emamzadeh, G Pasparakis
ACS Applied Bio Materials 2 (3), 1298–1309, 2019
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Polymer coated gold nanoshells for combinational photochemotherapy of pancreatic cancer with gemcitabine
M Emamzadeh, G Pasparakis
Scientific reports 11 (1), 9404, 2021
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Comparison of thermoresponsive hydrogels synthesized by conventional free radical and RAFT polymerization
F Joubert, P Cheong Phey Denn, Y Guo, G Pasparakis
Materials 12 (17), 2697, 2019
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Solid lipid nanoparticles self-assembled from spray dried microparticles
B Sanchez-Vazquez, JB Lee, M Strimaite, A Buanz, R Bailey, ...
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 572, 118784, 2019
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Hierarchically designed hybrid nanoparticles for combinational photochemotherapy against a pancreatic cancer cell line
F Joubert, G Pasparakis
Journal of materials chemistry B 6 (7), 1095-1104, 2018
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Nanoparticle forming polyelectrolyte complexes derived from well-defined block copolymers
SE Bakhtiari, F Joubert, G Pasparakis, S Brocchini, GR Williams
European Polymer Journal 189, 111977, 2023
التفويضات: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
An exploration of electrospun fibers containing drug-cyclodextrin inclusion complexe
F Fatimah, Z Aytac, T Uyar, G Pasparakis, G Williams
Pharmaceutical Science and Research 7 (1), 34-44, 2020
التفويضات: European Commission
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