An analytical model for spiral wound reverse osmosis membrane modules: Part I--Model development and parameter estimation S Sundaramoorthy, G Srinivasan, DVR Murthy Desalination 280, 403-411, 2011 | 108 | 2011 |
Adsorption of phenol on granular activated carbon from nutrient medium: equilibrium and kinetic study MA Dabhade, MB Saidutta, DVR Murthy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH (IJER) 3 (4), 557-568, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
An analytical model for spiral wound reverse osmosis membrane modules: Part II--Experimental validation S Sundaramoorthy, G Srinivasan, DVR Murthy Desalination 280, 432-439, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
Validation of an analytical model for spiral wound reverse osmosis membrane module using experimental data on the removal of dimethylphenol G Srinivasan, S Sundaramoorthy, DVR Murthy Desalination 281, 199-208, 2011 | 30 | 2011 |
Minimum Spouting Velocity in Multiple Spouted Beds DVR Murthy, PN Singh The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 72 (2), 235 - 239, 1994 | 27 | 1994 |
Minimum superficial fluid velocity in a gas–solid swirled fluidized bed SH Kumar, DVR Murthy Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 49 (10), 1095-1100, 2010 | 26 | 2010 |
Mixing behaviour of solids in multiple spouted beds MB Saidutta, DVR Murthy The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 78 (2), 382-385, 2000 | 24 | 2000 |
Separation of dimethyl phenol using a spiral-wound RO membrane—Experimental and parameter estimation studies G Srinivasan, S Sundaramoorthy, DVR Murthy Desalination 243 (1-3), 170-181, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
Drying of agricultural grains in a multiple porous draft tube spouted bed S Rajashekhara, DVR Murthy Chemical Engineering Communications 204 (8), 942-950, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Spiral wound reverse osmosis membranes for the recovery of phenol compounds-experimental and parameter estimation studies G Srinivasan, S Sundaramoorthy, DVR Murthy American Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 3 (1), 31-36, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Continuous phenol removal using Nocardia hydrocarbonoxydans in spouted bed contactor: Shock load study MA Dabhade, MB Saidutta, DVR Murthy African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (4), 644-649, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
UREA HYDROLYSIS IN SATURATED LOAM SOIL MR Bhat, DVR Murthy, MB Saidutta APRN Journal of Agricultural & Biological Sciences 6 (3), 60-63, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
Modeling of Urea Release from Briquettes Using Semi infinite and Shrinking Core Models MR Bhat, DVR Murthy, MB Saidutta Chemical Product and Process Modeling 6 (1), 17, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
Modeling of phenol degradation in spouted bed contactor using artificial neural network (ANN) MA Dabhade, MB Saidutta, DVR Murthy Chemical Product and Process Modeling 3 (2), 2008 | 8 | 2008 |
Enhanced degradation of azo dye using mixed cultures of white-rot fungi in a modified rotating packed disc bioreactor and reuse of treated water RP Kalnake, R Raval, DVR Murthy, PB Vanzara, K Raval Bioresource Technology Reports 22, 101449, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Batch drying of wheat in a multiple porous draft tube spouted bed S Rajashekhara, DVR Murthy Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICACE 2015, 51-57, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Rupture Studies on Kokum Wax Coated Urea Briquettes SR M R Bhat,D V R Murthy, M B Saidutta World Journal of Agricultiral Research 1 (5), 82-84, 2013 | 3 | 2013 |
Slow Release Studies on Commecial Urea Briquettes in loam and clay soils of Karnataka,India MR Bhat, DVR Murthy, MB Saidutta International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering 4 (2), 351-356, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
Residence Time Distribution Studies in a Modified Rotating Packed Disc Contactor: Mathematical Modeling and Validation RP Kalnake, DVR Murthy, A Achar, K Raval International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 18 (4), 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Rotating packed disc bioreactor K Raval, R Kalnake, DVR Murthy Indian Patent Office, Chennai, 2020 | | 2020 |