Azucena del Carmen Mora Gutiérrez
Azucena del Carmen Mora Gutiérrez
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Serotypes, Virulence Genes, and Intimin Types ofShiga Toxin (Verotoxin)-Producing Escherichia coli Isolatesfrom Cattle in Spain and Identification of a New Intimin …
M Blanco, JE Blanco, A Mora, G Dahbi, MP Alonso, EA González, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 42 (2), 645-651, 2004
Serotypes, Virulence Genes, and Intimin Types of Shiga Toxin (Verotoxin)-Producing Escherichia coli Isolates from Healthy Sheep in Spain
M Blanco, JE Blanco, A Mora, J Rey, JM Alonso, M Hermoso, J Hermoso, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 41 (4), 1351-1356, 2003
Serotypes, Virulence Genes, and Intimin Types of Shiga Toxin (Verotoxin)-Producing Escherichia coli Isolates from Human Patients: Prevalence in Lugo, Spain …
JE Blanco, M Blanco, MP Alonso, A Mora, G Dahbi, MA Coira, J Blanco
Journal of clinical microbiology 42 (1), 311-319, 2004
Isolation and Characterization of Potentially Pathogenic Antimicrobial-Resistant Escherichia coli Strains from Chicken and Pig Farms in Spain
P Cortés, V Blanc, A Mora, G Dahbi, JE Blanco, M Blanco, C López, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 76 (9), 2799-2805, 2010
Antimicrobial resistance of Shiga toxin (verotoxin)-producing Escherichia coli O157: H7 and non-O157 strains isolated from humans, cattle, sheep and food in Spain
A Mora, JE Blanco, M Blanco, MP Alonso, G Dhabi, A Echeita, ...
Research in microbiology 156 (7), 793-806, 2005
Prevalence of bacterial resistance to quinolones and other antimicrobials among avian Escherichia coli strains isolated from septicemic and healthy chickens in Spain
JE Blanco, M Blanco, A Mora, J Blanco
Journal of clinical microbiology 35 (8), 2184-2185, 1997
Diagnostic strategy for identifying avian pathogenic Escherichia coli based on four patterns of virulence genes
C Schouler, B Schaeffer, A Brée, A Mora, G Dahbi, F Biet, E Oswald, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 50 (5), 1673-1678, 2012
Distribution and characterization of faecal verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) isolated from healthy cattle
M Blanco, JE Blanco, J Blanco, A Mora, C Prado, MP Alonso, M Mouriño, ...
Veterinary Microbiology 54 (3-4), 309-319, 1997
Plasmid Flux in Escherichia coli ST131 Sublineages, Analyzed by Plasmid Constellation Network (PLACNET), a New Method for Plasmid Reconstruction from …
VF Lanza, M de Toro, MP Garcillán-Barcia, A Mora, J Blanco, TM Coque, ...
PLoS genetics 10 (12), e1004766, 2014
Verotoxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Spain: Prevalence, Serotypes, and Virulence Genes of O157:H7 and Non-O157 VTEC in Ruminants, Raw Beef Products …
J Blanco, M Blanco, JE Blanco, A Mora, EA Gonzalez, MI Bernardez, ...
Experimental biology and medicine 228 (4), 345-351, 2003
Absence of CTX-M Enzymes but High Prevalence of Clones, Including Clone ST131, among Fecal Escherichia coli Isolates from Healthy Subjects Living in the …
V Leflon-Guibout, J Blanco, K Amaqdouf, A Mora, L Guize, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 46 (12), 3900-3905, 2008
Virulence genes and intimin types of Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolated from cattle and beef products in Argentina
M Blanco, NL Padola, A Krüger, ME Sanz, JE Blanco, EA González, ...
Viguera Editores, 2004
Prevalence and characteristics of Escherichia coil serotype O157: H7 and other verotoxin-producing E. Coli in healthy cattle
M Blanco, JE Blanco, J Blanco, EA Gonzalez, A Mora, C Prado, ...
Epidemiology & Infection 117 (2), 251-257, 1996
Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coliO1:K1:H7/NM from human and avian origin: detection of clonal groups B2 ST95 and D ST59 with different host distribution
A Mora, C López, G Dabhi, M Blanco, JE Blanco, MP Alonso, A Herrera, ...
BMC microbiology 9, 1-11, 2009
Genes coding for enterotoxins and verotoxins in porcine Escherichia coli strains belonging to different O: K: H serotypes: relationship with toxic phenotypes
M Blanco, JE Blanco, EA Gonzalez, A Mora, W Jansen, TA Gomes, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 35 (11), 2958-2963, 1997
Characteristics of the Shiga-toxin-producing enteroaggregative Escherichia coli O104: H4 German outbreak strain and of STEC strains isolated in Spain
A Mora, A Herrrera, C López, G Dahbi, R Mamani, JM Pita, MP Alonso, ...
Int Microbiol 14 (3), 121-141, 2011
Serotypes, virulence genes, intimin types and PFGE profiles of Escherichia coli isolated from piglets with diarrhoea in Slovakia
H Vu-Khac, E Holoda, E Pilipcinec, M Blanco, JE Blanco, G Dahbi, A Mora, ...
The Veterinary Journal 174 (1), 176-187, 2007
Molecular epidemiology of Escherichia coli producing extended-spectrum β-lactamases in Lugo (Spain): dissemination of clone O25b:H4-ST131 producing CTX-M …
M Blanco, MP Alonso, MH Nicolas-Chanoine, G Dahbi, A Mora, JE Blanco, ...
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 63 (6), 1135-1141, 2009
Production of toxins (enterotoxins, verotoxins, and necrotoxins) and colicins by Escherichia coli strains isolated from septicemic and healthy chickens: relationship with in …
JE Blanco, M Blanco, A Mora, J Blanco
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 35 (11), 2953-2957, 1997
Serotypes of Escherichia coli isolated from septicaemic chickens in Galicia (northwest Spain)
JE Blanco, M Blanco, A Mora, WH Jansen, V Garcı́a, ML Vázquez, ...
Veterinary microbiology 61 (3), 229-235, 1998
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مقالات 1–20