Fractal polynomial interpolation MA Navascués
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 24 (2), 401-418, 2005
252 2005 Fractal approximation MA Navascués
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 4, 953-974, 2010
123 2010 Smooth fractal interpolation MA Navascués, MV Sebastián
Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2006, 1-20, 2006
116 2006 Generalization of Hermite functions by fractal interpolation MA Navascués, MV Sebastián
Journal of Approximation Theory 131 (1), 19-29, 2004
113 2004 Shape preservation of scientific data through rational fractal splines AKB Chand, N Vijender, MA Navascués
Calcolo 51 (2), 329-362, 2014
99 2014 Fundamental sets of fractal functions MA Navascués, AKB Chand
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 100, 247-261, 2008
91 2008 Fractal perturbation preserving fundamental shapes: Bounds on the scale factors P Viswanathan, AKB Chand, MA Navascués
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 419 (2), 804-817, 2014
76 2014 Fractal trigonometric approximation MA Navascués
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal 20 (9), 64-74, 2005
73 2005 Fractal bases of Lp spaces MA Navascués
Fractals 20 (02), 141-148, 2012
64 2012 Natural bicubic spline fractal interpolation AKB Chand, MA Navascués
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 69 (11), 3679-3691, 2008
Fractals 24 (03), 1650037, 2016
49 2016 Fitting curves by fractal interpolation: an application to the quantification of cognitive brain processes MA Navascués, MV Sebastián
Thinking in patterns, 143-154, 2004
49 2004 Box dimension of α-fractal function with variable scaling factors in subintervals MN Akhtar, MGP Prasad, MA Navascués
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 103, 440-449, 2017
48 2017 Non-smooth polynomials MA Navascués
Int. J. Math. Anal 1 (4), 159-174, 2007
45 2007 Some results of convergence of cubic spline fractal interpolation functions MA Navascues, MV Sebastian
Fractals 11 (01), 1-7, 2003
43 2003 Associate fractal functions in Lp-spaces and in one-sided uniform approximation P Viswanathan, MA Navascués, AKB Chand
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 433 (2), 862-876, 2016
37 2016 Generalized Hermite fractal interpolation AKB Chand, MA Navascués
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Zaragoza 64 (2), 107-120, 2009
35 2009 Construction of Affine Fractal Functions Close to Classical Interpolants. MA Navascués, MV Sebastián
Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications 9 (3), 2007
35 2007 Cyclic iterated function systems R Pasupathi, AKB Chand, MA Navascués
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 22 (3), 58, 2020
34 2020 Fractal interpolation functions: a short survey MA Navascués, AKB Chand, VP Veedu, MV Sebastián
Applied Mathematics 5 (12), 1834-1841, 2014
33 2014