Viktoria Blavatska
Viktoria Blavatska
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, Lviv, Ukraine
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Shape anisotropy of polymers in disordered environment
V Blavatska, W Janke
The Journal of chemical physics 133 (18), 2010
Percolation thresholds and fractal dimensions for square and cubic lattices with long-range correlated defects
J Zierenberg, N Fricke, M Marenz, FP Spitzner, V Blavatska, W Janke
Physical Review E 96 (6), 062125, 2017
Universal size ratios of Gaussian polymers with complex architecture: radius of gyration vs hydrodynamic radius
K Haydukivska, V Blavatska, J Paturej
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 14127, 2020
Scaling behavior of self-avoiding walks on percolation clusters
V Blavatska, W Janke
Europhysics Letters 82 (6), 66006, 2008
Multifractality of self-avoiding walks on percolation clusters
V Blavatska, W Janke
Physical review letters 101 (12), 125701, 2008
Walking on fractals: diffusion and self-avoiding walks on percolation clusters
V Blavatska, W Janke
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (1), 015001, 2008
Critical behavior of the two-dimensional Ising model with long-range correlated disorder
M Dudka, AA Fedorenko, V Blavatska, Y Holovatch
Physical Review B 93 (22), 224422, 2016
Shapes of macromolecules in good solvents: field theoretical renormalization group approach
V Blavatska, C Von Ferber, Y Holovatch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1106.2042, 2011
Conformational properties of complex polymers: rosette versus star-like structures
V Blavatska, R Metzler
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48 (13), 135001, 2015
Polymer adsorption on a fractal substrate: Numerical study
V Blavatska, W Janke
The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (10), 2012
Universal features of polymer shapes in crowded environments
V Blavatska, C Von Ferber, Y Holovatch
Physics Letters A 374 (28), 2861-2864, 2010
Disorder effects on the static scattering function of star branched polymers
V Blavatska, C Von Ferber, Y Holovatch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.2881, 2012
Star copolymers in porous environments: Scaling and its manifestations
V Blavatska, C von Ferber, Y Holovatch
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (1 …, 2011
Ring polymers in crowded environment: Conformational properties
K Haydukivska, V Blavatska
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (9), 2014
Polymers in crowded environment under stretching force: Globule-coil transitions
V Blavatska, W Janke
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
Equivalence of quenched and annealed averaging in models of disordered polymers
V Blavatska
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (50), 505101, 2013
Fractals meet fractals: self-avoiding random walks on percolation clusters
V Blavatska, W Janke
Physics Procedia 3 (3), 1431-1435, 2010
Spreading processes in post-epidemic environments
V Blavatska, Y Holovatch
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 573, 125980, 2021
On the swelling properties of pom-pom polymers in dilute solutions. Part 1: Symmetric case
K Haydukivska, O Kalyuzhnyi, V Blavatska, J Ilnytskyi
Journal of Molecular Liquids 328, 115456, 2021
Statistical physics of complex systems in the world and in Lviv
Y Holovatch, M Dudka, V Blavatska, V Palchykov, M Krasnytska, ...
Journal of Physical Studies 22 (2), 2018
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مقالات 1–20