Łukasz Lamentowicz
Łukasz Lamentowicz
انتساب غير معروف
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Widespread drying of European peatlands in recent centuries
GT Swindles, PJ Morris, DJ Mullan, RJ Payne, TP Roland, MJ Amesbury, ...
Nature Geoscience 12 (11), 922-928, 2019
Reconstructing climate change and ombrotrophic bog development during the last 4000 years in northern Poland using biotic proxies, stable isotopes and trait-based approach
M Lamentowicz, M Gałka, M Obremska, N Kühl, A Lücke, VEJ Jassey
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 418, 261-277, 2015
Climate and human induced hydrological change since AD 800 in an ombrotrophic mire in Pomerania (N Poland) tracked by testate amoebae, macro‐fossils, pollen and tree rings of pine
M Lamentowicz, K Milecka, M Gałka, A Cedro, J Pawlyta, N Piotrowska, ...
Boreas 38 (2), 214-229, 2009
Contrasting species—environment relationships in communities of testate amoebae, bryophytes and vascular plants along the fen–bog gradient
M Lamentowicz, Ł Lamentowicz, WO van der Knaap, M Gąbka, ...
Microbial Ecology 59, 499-510, 2010
Unveiling exceptional Baltic bog ecohydrology, autogenic succession and climate change during the last 2000 years in CE Europe using replicate cores, multi-proxy data and …
M Gałka, K Tobolski, Ł Lamentowicz, V Ersek, VEJ Jassey, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 156, 90-106, 2017
Plant functional diversity drives niche‐size‐structure of dominant microbial consumers along a poor to extremely rich fen gradient
VEJ Jassey, Ł Lamentowicz, BJM Robroek, M Gąbka, A Rusińska, ...
Journal of Ecology 102 (5), 1150-1162, 2014
Testing peatland testate amoeba transfer functions: appropriate methods for clustered training-sets
RJ Payne, RJ Telford, JJ Blackford, A Blundell, RK Booth, DJ Charman, ...
The Holocene 22 (7), 819-825, 2012
Testate amoebae ecology and a local transfer function from a peatland in western Poland
Ł Lamentowicz, M Lamentowicz, M Gąbka
Wetlands 28, 164-175, 2008
Seasonal changes in Sphagnum peatland testate amoeba communities along a hydrological gradient
K Marcisz, Ł Lamentowicz, S Słowińska, M Słowiński, W Muszak, ...
European Journal of Protistology 50 (5), 445-455, 2014
Testate amoeba functional traits and their use in paleoecology
K Marcisz, VEJ Jassey, A Kosakyan, V Krashevska, DJG Lahr, E Lara, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 575966, 2020
A multi-proxy, high-resolution record of peatland development and its drivers during the last millennium from the subalpine Swiss Alps
WO van der Knaap, M Lamentowicz, JFN Van Leeuwen, S Hangartner, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (23-24), 3467-3480, 2011
A near‐annual palaeohydrological study based on testate amoebae from a sub‐alpine mire: surface wetness and the role of climate during the instrumental period
M Lamentowicz, W Van Der Knaap, Ł Lamentowicz, JFN Van Leeuwen, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 25 (2), 190-202, 2010
Testate amoeba (Arcellinida, Euglyphida) ecology along a poor‐rich gradient in fens of Western Poland
Ł Lamentowicz, M Gąbka, A Rusińska, T Sobczyński, PM Owsianny, ...
International Review of Hydrobiology 96 (4), 356-380, 2011
A 1300‐year multi‐proxy, high‐resolution record from a rich fen in northern Poland: reconstructing hydrology, land use and climate change
M Lamentowicz, M Gałka, K Milecka, K Tobolski, Ł Lamentowicz, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 28 (6), 582-594, 2013
The performance of single-and multi-proxy transfer functions (testate amoebae, bryophytes, vascular plants) for reconstructing mire surface wetness and pH
EAD Mitchell, RJ Payne, WO van der Knaap, Ł Lamentowicz, M Gąbka, ...
Quaternary Research 79 (1), 6-13, 2013
Combining short-term manipulative experiments with long-term palaeoecological investigations at high resolution to assess the response of Sphagnum peatlands to drought, fire …
M Lamentowicz, S Słowińska, M Słowiński
Mires and Peat 18, 20, 2016
Significance testing testate amoeba water table reconstructions
RJ Payne, KV Babeshko, S Van Bellen, JJ Blackford, RK Booth, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 138, 131-135, 2016
Towards quantitative reconstruction of peatland nutrient status from fens
M Lamentowicz, Ł Lamentowicz, RJ Payne
The Holocene 23 (12), 1661-1665, 2013
Climate change and human impact in the southern Baltic during the last millennium reconstructed from an ombrotrophic bog archive
M Lamentowicz, M Gałka, J Pawlyta, Ł Lamentowicz, T Goslar, ...
Studia Quaternaria, 3-16-3-16, 2011
Species composition of testate amoebae (Protists) and environmental parameters in a Sphagnum peatland
L Lamentowicz, M Gabka, M Lamentowicz
Polish Journal of Ecology 55 (4), 749, 2007
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مقالات 1–20