Xinzhi Liu
Xinzhi Liu
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Nonlinear integral equations in abstract spaces
D Guo, V Lakshmikantham, X Liu
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Stability of a class of linear switching systems with time delay
S Kim, SA Campbell, X Liu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 53 (2), 384-393, 2006
Input-to-state stability of impulsive and switching hybrid systems with time-delay
J Liu, X Liu, WC Xie
Automatica 47 (5), 899-908, 2011
Stability analysis in terms of two measures
XL V. Lakshmikantham
World Scientific, 1993
Robust impulsive synchronization of uncertain dynamical networks
B Liu, X Liu, G Chen, H Wang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 52 (7), 1431-1441, 2005
Uniform asymptotic stability of impulsive delay differential equations
X Liu, G Ballinger
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 41 (7-8), 903-915, 2001
Existence and uniqueness results for impulsive delay differential equations
G Ballinger, XZ Liu
Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems 5 (1-4), 579-591, 1999
Comparison principles for impulsive parabolic equations with applications to models of single species growth
LH Erbe, HI Freedman, XZ Liu, JH Wu
The ANZIAM Journal 32 (4), 382-400, 1991
Non-fragile sampled-data robust synchronization of uncertain delayed chaotic Lurie systems with randomly occurring controller gain fluctuation
K Shi, Y Tang, X Liu, S Zhong
ISA transactions 66, 185-199, 2017
Stability results for impulsive differential systems with applications to population growth models
X Liu
Dynamics and stability of systems 9 (2), 163-174, 1994
Tuning anionic redox activity and reversibility for a high‐capacity Li‐rich Mn‐based oxide cathode via an integrated strategy
Q Li, D Zhou, L Zhang, D Ning, Z Chen, Z Xu, R Gao, X Liu, D Xie, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (10), 1806706, 2019
Permanence of population growth models with impulsive effects
G Ballinger, X Liu
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 26 (12), 59-72, 1997
Fractional order Lyapunov stability theorem and its applications in synchronization of complex dynamical networks
D Chen, R Zhang, X Liu, X Ma
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19 (12), 4105-4121, 2014
Enhancing fuel cell durability for fuel cell plug-in hybrid electric vehicles through strategic power management
H Zhang, X Li, X Liu, J Yan
Applied Energy 241, 483-490, 2019
Existence and continuability of solutions for differential equations with delays and state-dependent impulses
X Liu, G Ballinger
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 51 (4), 633-647, 2002
Impulsive controllability of linear dynamical systems with applications to maneuvers of spacecraft
X Liu, AR Willms
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 (4), 277-299, 1996
Application of impulsive synchronization to communication security
A Khadra, X Liu, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2003
Synchronization of linear dynamical networks on time scales: Pinning control via delayed impulses
X Liu, K Zhang
Automatica 72, 147-152, 2016
Analyzing the robustness of impulsive synchronization coupled by linear delayed impulses
A Khadra, XZ Liu, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (4), 923-928, 2009
Synchronization of chaotic systems with delay using intermittent linear state feedback
T Huang, C Li, X Liu
Chaos: An interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science 18 (3), 2008
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مقالات 1–20