Francisco González-Gómez
Francisco González-Gómez
أسماء أخرىFotografía tomada por Ramón L. Pérez / IDEAL
University of Granada. Professor of Applied Economics. Water Research Institute.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Gender differences in e-learning satisfaction
F González-Gómez, J Guardiola, ÓM Rodríguez, MÁM Alonso
Computers & Education 58 (1), 283-290, 2012
Does service quality matter in measuring the performance of water utilities?
AJ Picazo-Tadeo, FJ Sáez-Fernández, F González-Gómez
Utilities Policy 16 (1), 30-38, 2008
Efficiency in the management of urban water services. What have we learned after four decades of research
F González-Gómez, MA García-Rubio
Hacienda Pública Española/Revista de Economía Pública 185 (2), 39-67, 2008
The main components of satisfaction with e-learning
Ó Martín-Rodríguez, JC Fernández-Molina, MÁ Montero-Alonso, ...
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 24 (2), 267-277, 2015
Do ideological and political motives really matter in the public choice of local services management? Evidence from urban water services in Spain
AJ Picazo-Tadeo, F González-Gómez, JG Wanden-Berghe, ...
Public Choice 151, 215-228, 2012
Affordability of residential water tariffs: Alternative measurement and explanatory factors in southern Spain
MA García-Valiñas, R Martínez-Espiñeira, F González-Gómez
Journal of Environmental Management 91 (12), 2696-2706, 2010
Does private management of water supply services really increase prices? An empirical analysis in Spain
R Martínez-Espiñeira, MA García-Valiñas, F González-Gómez
Urban Studies 46 (4), 923-945, 2009
Can we be satisfied with our football team? Evidence from Spanish professional football
F González-Gómez, AJ Picazo-Tadeo
Journal of Sports Economics 11 (4), 418-442, 2010
Why is non-revenue water so high in so many cities?
F González-Gómez, MA García-Rubio, J Guardiola
Water Resources Development 27 (02), 345-360, 2011
Do pro-environmental behaviors and awareness contribute to improve subjective well-being?
M Suárez-Varela, J Guardiola, F González-Gómez
Applied Research in Quality of Life 11, 429-444, 2016
Water demand management strategies for water-scarce cities: The case of Spain
C Tortajada, F González-Gómez, AK Biswas, J Buurman
Sustainable cities and society 45, 649-656, 2019
The role of environmental factors in water utilities’ technical efficiency. Empirical evidence from Spanish companies
AJ Picazo-Tadeo, FJ Sáez-Fernández, F González-Gómez
Applied Economics 41 (5), 615-628, 2009
Accounting for operating environments in measuring water utilities’ managerial efficiency
AJ Picazo-Tadeo, F González-Gómez, FJ Sáez-Fernández
The Service Industries Journal 29 (6), 761-773, 2009
Ownership and performance in water services revisited: does private management really outperform public?
M Suárez-Varela, M de los Ángeles García-Valiñas, F González-Gómez, ...
Water Resources Management 31, 2355-2373, 2017
Why do local governments privatize the provision of water services? Empirical evidence from Spain
F González‐Gómez, AJ Picazo‐Tadeo, J Guardiola
Public Administration 89 (2), 471-492, 2011
Is the price of water for residential use related to provider ownership? Empirical evidence from Spain
MÁ García-Valiñas, F González-Gómez, AJ Picazo-Tadeo
Utilities Policy 24 (C), 59-69, 2013
Urban water tariffs in Spain: What needs to be done?
MA García-Rubio, A Ruiz-Villaverde, F González-Gómez
Water 7 (4), 1456-1479, 2015
A duration model for the estimation of the contracting out of urban water management in southern Spain
F González-Gómez, J Guardiola
Urban Affairs Review 44 (6), 886-906, 2009
Measuring water affordability: a proposal for urban centres in developed countries
MDLÁ García-Valiñas, R Martínez-Espiñeira, F González-Gómez
International Journal of Water Resources Development 26 (3), 441-458, 2010
Beyond the public–private controversy in urban water management in Spain
F González-Gómez, MA García-Rubio, J González-Martínez
Utilities Policy 31, 1-9, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20