Brian D Collins
Brian D Collins
Research Civil Engineer, U.S. Geological Survey
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Stability analyses of rainfall induced landslides
BD Collins, D Znidarcic
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 130 (4), 362-372, 2004
Geomorphic and geologic controls of geohazards induced by Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha earthquake
JS Kargel, GJ Leonard, DH Shugar, UK Haritashya, A Bevington, ...
Science 351 (6269), aac8353, 2016
Landslide mobility and hazards: implications of the 2014 Oso disaster
RM Iverson, DL George, K Allstadt, ME Reid, BD Collins, JW Vallance, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 412, 197-208, 2015
Rockfall triggering by cyclic thermal stressing of exfoliation fractures
BD Collins, GM Stock
Nature Geoscience 9 (5), 395-400, 2016
Processes of coastal bluff erosion in weakly lithified sands, Pacifica, California, USA
BD Collins, N Sitar
Geomorphology 97 (3-4), 483-501, 2008
Assessment of existing and potential landslide hazards resulting from the April 25, 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake sequence
BD Collins, RW Jibson
Open-File Report, 2015
Investigation of the Performance of the New Orleans Flood Protection System in Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005: Volume 2
RB Seed, RG Bea, RI Abdelmalak, AG Athanasopoulos, GP Boutwell Jr, ...
Independent Levee Investigation Team: Final Report 2, 2006
Progressive failure of sheeted rock slopes: the 2009–2010 Rhombus Wall rock falls in Yosemite Valley, California, USA
GM Stock, SJ Martel, BD Collins, EL Harp
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (5), 546-561, 2012
Assessing rockfall susceptibility in steep and overhanging slopes using three-dimensional analysis of failure mechanisms
B Matasci, GM Stock, M Jaboyedoff, D Carrea, BD Collins, A Guérin, ...
Landslides 15, 859-878, 2018
Hysteresis of unsaturated hydromechanical properties of a silty soil
N Lu, M Kaya, BD Collins, JW Godt
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 139 (3), 507-510, 2013
Thermal influences on spontaneous rock dome exfoliation
BD Collins, GM Stock, MC Eppes, SW Lewis, SC Corbett, JB Smith
Nature communications 9 (1), 762, 2018
Geotechnical effects of the 2015 magnitude 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake and aftershocks
RES Moss, EM Thompson, D Scott Kieffer, B Tiwari, YMA Hashash, ...
Seismological Research Letters 86 (6), 1514-1523, 2015
Detection of rock bridges by infrared thermal imaging and modeling
A Guerin, M Jaboyedoff, BD Collins, MH Derron, GM Stock, B Matasci, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 13138, 2019
Geotechnical properties of cemented sands in steep slopes
BD Collins, N Sitar
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 135 (10), 1359-1366, 2009
Landslides and liquefaction triggered by the M 7.9 Denali fault earthquake of 3 November 2002
EL Harp, RW Jibson, RE Kayen, DK Keefer, BL Sherrod, GA Carver, ...
GSA today 13 (8), 4-10, 2003
Quantifying 40 years of rockfall activity in Yosemite Valley with historical Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning
A Guerin, GM Stock, MJ Radue, M Jaboyedoff, BD Collins, B Matasci, ...
Geomorphology 356, 107069, 2020
Assessing the feasibility of satellite‐based thresholds for hydrologically driven landsliding
MA Thomas, BD Collins, BB Mirus
Water Resources Research 55 (11), 9006-9023, 2019
High-resolution three-dimensional imaging and analysis of rock falls in Yosemite Valley, California
GM Stock, GW Bawden, JK Green, E Hanson, G Downing, BD Collins, ...
Geosphere 7 (2), 573-581, 2011
Spatial distribution of landslides triggered from the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu–Oki Japan Earthquake
BD Collins, R Kayen, Y Tanaka
Engineering Geology 127, 14-26, 2012
Identifying physics‐based thresholds for rainfall‐induced landsliding
MA Thomas, BB Mirus, BD Collins
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (18), 9651-9661, 2018
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مقالات 1–20