Evidence from Fe‐and Al‐rich metapelites for thrust loading in the Transangarian region of the Yenisey Ridge, eastern Siberia II Likhanov, OP Polyansky, VV Reverdatto, I Memmi Journal of Metamorphic Geology 22 (8), 743-762, 2004 | 187 | 2004 |
P–T–t constraints on polymetamorphic complexes of the Yenisey Ridge, East Siberia: Implications for Neoproterozoic paleocontinental reconstructions II Likhanov, VV Reverdatto, PS Kozlov, VV Khiller, VP Sukhorukov Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113, 391-410, 2015 | 123 | 2015 |
Contact metamorphism of Fe-and Al-rich graphitic metapelites in the Transangarian region of the Yenisei Ridge, eastern Siberia, Russia II Likhanov, VV Reverdatto, VS Sheplev, AE Verschinin, PS Kozlov Lithos 58 (1-2), 55-80, 2001 | 123 | 2001 |
Neoproterozoic intraplate magmatism along the western margin of the Siberian Craton: implications for breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent II Likhanov, M Santosh Precambrian Research 300 (October), 315-331, 2017 | 117 | 2017 |
Гренвильские тектонические события и эволюция Енисейского кряжа, западная окраина Сибирского кратона ИИ Лиханов, АД Ножкин, ВВ Ревердатто, ПС Козлов Геотектоника 48 (5), 32-53, 2014 | 101 | 2014 |
Grenville tectonic events and evolution of the Yenisei Ridge at the western margin of the Siberian Craton II Likhanov, AD Nozhkin, VV Reverdatto, PS Kozlov Geotectonics 48, 371-389, 2014 | 94 | 2014 |
Blueschist facies fault tectonites from the western margin of the Siberian Craton: Implications for subduction and exhumation associated with early stages of the Paleo-Asian Ocean II Likhanov, JL Régnier, M Santosh Lithos 304 (April), 468-488, 2018 | 93 | 2018 |
A-type granites in the western margin of the Siberian Craton: implications for breakup of the Precambrian supercontinents Columbia/Nuna and Rodinia II Likhanov, M Santosh Precambrian Research 328 (15 July), 128-145, 2019 | 88 | 2019 |
Neoproterozoic collisional metamorphism in overthrust terranes of the Trans-Angarian Yenisey Ridge, Siberia II Likhanov, VV Reverdatto International Geology Review 53 (7), 802-845, 2011 | 76 | 2011 |
Mass-transfer and differential element mobility in metapelites during multistage metamorphism of the Yenisey Ridge, Siberia II Likhanov Geological Society, London, Special Publications 478 (1), 89-115, 2019 | 69 | 2019 |
The nature and models of metamorphism. VV Reverdatto, II Likhanov, OP Polyansky, VS Sheplev, VY Kolobov Springer: Chum, 2019 | 68 | 2019 |
Provenance of Precambrian Fe‐and Al‐rich Metapelites in the Yenisey Ridge and Kuznetsk Alatau, Siberia: Geochemical Signatures II Likhanov, VV Reverdatto Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition 81 (3), 409-423, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |
Precambrian Fe-and Al-rich pelites from the Yenisey Ridge, Siberia: geochemical signatures for protolith origin and evolution during metamorphism II Likhanov, VV Reverdatto International Geology Review 50 (7), 597-623, 2008 | 63 | 2008 |
Short-range mobilization of elements in the biotite zone of the contact aureole of the Kharlovo gabbro intrusion (Russia) II Likhanov, VV Reverdatto, I Memmi European Journal of Mineralogy 6 (1), 133-144, 1994 | 61* | 1994 |
Chloritoid, staurolite and gedrite of the high-alumina hornfelses of the Karatash pluton II Likhanov International Geology Review 30 (8), 868-877, 1988 | 61 | 1988 |
Р-Т-t эволюция метаморфизма в Заангарье Енисейского кряжа: петрологические и геодинамические следствия ИИ Лиханов, ВВ Ревердатто Геология и геофизика 55 (3), 385-416, 2014 | 54 | 2014 |
Аккреционная тектоника комплексов западной окраины Сибирского кратона ИИ Лиханов, АД Ножкин, КА Савко Геотектоника 52 (1), 28-51, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
Тектоно-метаморфическая эволюция гаревского полиметаморфического комплекса Енисейского кряжа ПС Козлов, ИИ Лиханов, ВВ Ревердатто, СВ Зиновьев Геология и геофизика 53 (11), 1476-1496, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Intense basic magmatism in the Tunguska petroleum basin, eastern Siberia, Russia AE Kontorovich, AV Khomenko, LM Burshtein, II Likhanov, AL Pavlov, ... Petroleum Geoscience 3 (4), 359-369, 1997 | 49 | 1997 |
Природа и модели метаморфизма ВВ Ревердатто, ИИ Лиханов, ОП Полянский, ВС Шеплев, ВЮ Колобов Издательство СО РАН, Новосибирск, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |