Maria Dusinska
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The comet assay: what can it really tell us?
AR Collins, VL Dobson, M Dušinská, G Kennedy, R Štětina
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 375 (2 …, 1997
Comet assay in human biomonitoring studies: reliability, validation, and applications
A Collins, M Dušinská, M Franklin, M Somorovská, H Petrovská, S Duthie, ...
Environmental and molecular mutagenesis 30 (2), 139-146, 1997
Oxidative damage to DNA: do we have a reliable biomarker?
AR Collins, M Dusinska, CM Gedik, R Stĕtina
Environmental health perspectives 104 (suppl 3), 465-469, 1996
Mechanisms of genotoxicity. A review of in vitro and in vivo studies with engineered nanoparticles
Z Magdolenova, A Collins, A Kumar, A Dhawan, V Stone, M Dusinska
Nanotoxicology 8 (3), 233-278, 2014
Nanomaterials for environmental studies: classification, reference material issues, and strategies for physico-chemical characterisation
V Stone, B Nowack, A Baun, N van den Brink, F von der Kammer, ...
Science of the total environment 408 (7), 1745-1754, 2010
Establishing the background level of base oxidation in human lymphocyte DNA: results of an interlaboratory validation study
CM Gedik, A Collins, J Dubois, P Duez, L Kouegnigan, JF Rees, S Loft, ...
Faseb Journal 19 (1), 82-84, 2005
The comet assay in human biomonitoring: gene–environment interactions
M Dusinska, AR Collins
Mutagenesis 23 (3), 191-205, 2008
Evaluating the climate and air quality impacts of short-lived pollutants
A Stohl, B Aamaas, M Amann, LH Baker, N Bellouin, TK Berntsen, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (18), 10529-10566, 2015
Bladder cancer, a review of the environmental risk factors
S Letašiová, A Medveďová, A Šovčíková, M Dušinská, K Volkovová, ...
Environmental Health 11, 1-5, 2012
Genetic polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and possible links with DNA repair rates, chromosomal aberrations and single-strand breaks in DNA
P Vodicka, R Kumar, R Stetina, S Sanyal, P Soucek, V Haufroid, ...
Carcinogenesis 25 (5), 757-763, 2004
The importance of life cycle concepts for the development of safe nanoproducts
C Som, M Berges, Q Chaudhry, M Dusinska, TF Fernandes, SI Olsen, ...
Toxicology 269 (2-3), 160-169, 2010
Toxicity screenings of nanomaterials: challenges due to interference with assay processes and components of classic in vitro tests
R Guadagnini, B Halamoda Kenzaoui, L Walker, G Pojana, ...
Nanotoxicology 9 (sup1), 13-24, 2015
Minimum Information for Reporting on the Comet Assay (MIRCA): recommendations for describing comet assay procedures and results
P Møller, A Azqueta, E Boutet-Robinet, G Koppen, S Bonassi, M Milić, ...
Nature protocols 15 (12), 3817-3826, 2020
The comet assay as a tool for human biomonitoring studies: the ComNet project
A Collins, G Koppen, V Valdiglesias, M Dusinska, M Kruszewski, P Møller, ...
Mutation research/reviews in mutation research 759, 27-39, 2014
Time‐dependent biodistribution and excretion of silver nanoparticles in male Wistar rats
K Dziendzikowska, J Gromadzka‐Ostrowska, A Lankoff, M Oczkowski, ...
Journal of Applied Toxicology 32 (11), 920-928, 2012
Practical considerations for conducting ecotoxicity test methods with manufactured nanomaterials: what have we learnt so far?
RD Handy, N van den Brink, M Chappell, M Mühling, R Behra, ...
Ecotoxicology 21, 933-972, 2012
DNA damage in diabetes: correlation with a clinical marker
AR Collins, K Rašlová, M Somorovská, H Petrovská, A Ondrušová, ...
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 25 (3), 373-377, 1998
Interlaboratory comparison of size measurements on nanoparticles using nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA)
P Hole, K Sillence, C Hannell, CM Maguire, M Roesslein, G Suarez, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15, 1-12, 2013
Inter-individual differences in repair of DNA base oxidation, measured in vitro with the comet assay
AR Collins, M Dušinská, E Horváthová, E Munro, M Savio, R Štětina
Mutagenesis 16 (4), 297-301, 2001
Safety assessment of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive
EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Flavourings (FAF), M Younes, ...
Efsa Journal 19 (5), e06585, 2021
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مقالات 1–20