Ondrej Kameniar
Ondrej Kameniar
Department of Forest Ecology, Faculty of Forest and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Profile of tree-related microhabitats in European primary beech-dominated forests
D Kozák, M Mikoláš, M Svitok, R Bače, Y Paillet, L Larrieu, TA Nagel, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 429, 363-374, 2018
Historical disturbances determine current taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of saproxylic beetle communities in temperate primary forests
D Kozák, M Svitok, M Wiezik, M Mikoláš, S Thorn, A Buechling, ...
Ecosystems 24, 37-55, 2021
Quantifying natural disturbances using a large‐scale dendrochronological reconstruction to guide forest management
V Čada, V Trotsiuk, P Janda, M Mikoláš, R Bače, TA Nagel, RC Morrissey, ...
Ecological Applications 30 (8), e02189, 2020
Importance of conserving large and old trees to continuity of tree‐related microhabitats
D Kozák, M Svitok, V Zemlerová, M Mikoláš, T Lachat, L Larrieu, Y Paillet, ...
Conservation Biology, 2023
Natural dynamics of temperate mountain beech-dominated primary forests in Central Europe
M Frankovič, P Janda, M Mikoláš, V Čada, D Kozák, JL Pettit, TA Nagel, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 479, 118522, 2021
Natural disturbance impacts on trade-offs and co-benefits of forest biodiversity and carbon
M Mikoláš, M Svitok, R Bače, GW Meigs, WS Keeton, H Keith, A Buechling, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1961), 20211631, 2021
Climate-growth relationships of Norway Spruce and silver fir in primary forests of the Croatian Dinaric mountains
K Begović, M Rydval, S Mikac, S Čupić, K Svobodova, M Mikoláš, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 288, 108000, 2020
Contrasting patterns of natural mortality in primary Picea forests of the Carpathian Mountains
M Synek, P Janda, M Mikoláš, TA Nagel, JS Schurman, JL Pettit, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 457, 117734, 2020
Drivers of basal area variation across primary late-successional Picea abies forests of the Carpathian Mountains
P Janda, AJ Tepley, JS Schurman, M Brabec, TA Nagel, R Bače, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 435, 196-204, 2019
The impact of natural disturbance dynamics on lichen diversity and composition in primary mountain spruce forests
T Langbehn, J Hofmeister, M Svitok, M Mikoláš, R Matula, J Halda, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 32 (5), e13087, 2021
Disturbance history is a key driver of tree life span in temperate primary forests
J Pavlin, TA Nagel, M Svitok, JL Pettit, K Begović, S Mikac, A Dikku, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 32 (5), e13069, 2021
Increased sensitivity to drought across successional stages in natural Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests of the Calimani Mountains, Romania
K Svobodová, T Langbehn, J Björklund, M Rydval, V Trotsiuk, ...
Trees 33, 1345-1359, 2019
Historical natural disturbances shape spruce primary forest structure and indirectly influence bird assemblage composition
O Kameniar, M Baláž, M Svitok, J Reif, M Mikoláš, JL Pettit, WS Keeton, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 481, 118647, 2021
Historical mixed-severity disturbances shape current diameter distributions of primary temperate Norway spruce mountain forests in Europe
R Rodrigo, JL Pettit, R Matula, D Kozák, R Bače, J Pavlin, P Janda, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 503, 119772, 2022
Spatial and temporal extents of natural disturbances differentiate deadwood-inhabiting fungal communities in spruce primary forest ecosystems
M Ferenčík, M Svitok, M Mikoláš, J Hofmeister, L Majdanova, O Vostarek, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 517, 120272, 2022
Synchronised disturbances in spruce-and beech-dominated forests across the largest primary mountain forest landscape in temperate Europe
O Kameniar, O Vostarek, M Mikoláš, M Svitok, M Frankovič, RC Morrissey, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 537, 120906, 2023
Natural disturbances are essential determinants of tree-related microhabitat availability in temperate forests
V Zemlerová, D Kozák, M Mikoláš, M Svitok, R Bače, M Smyčková, ...
Ecosystems 26 (6), 1260-1274, 2023
Pathways and drivers of canopy accession across primary temperate forests of Europe
J Pavlin, TA Nagel, M Svitok, A Di Filippo, S Mikac, S Keren, A Dikku, ...
Science of the Total Environment 906, 167593, 2024
Age determination and individual growth rate of Microtus oeconomus mehelyi based on live-trapping
V Hulejová Sládkovičová, D Žiak, P Miklós, O Kameniar, Ľ Kocian
Biologia 74, 487-492, 2019
Spruce-and beech-dominated primary forests in the western Carpathians differ in terms of forest structure and bird assemblages, independently of disturbance regimes
O Kameniar, M Baláž, M Svitok, M Mikoláš, M Ferenčík, M Frankovič, ...
European Journal of Environmental Sciences 13 (1), 47-59, 2023
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مقالات 1–20