Ankit Jain
Ankit Jain
Yoga expert
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Efficient and stable solution-processed planar perovskite solar cells via contact passivation
H Tan, A Jain, O Voznyy, X Lan, FP García de Arquer, JZ Fan, ...
Science 355 (6326), 722-726, 2017
Concrete Technology (Theory and Practice), 8e
MS Shetty, AK Jain
S. Chand Publishing, 2019
Suppression of atomic vacancies via incorporation of isovalent small ions to increase the stability of halide perovskite solar cells in ambient air
MI Saidaminov, J Kim, A Jain, R Quintero-Bermudez, H Tan, G Long, ...
Nature Energy 3 (8), 648-654, 2018
Electron–phonon interaction in efficient perovskite blue emitters
X Gong, O Voznyy, A Jain, W Liu, R Sabatini, Z Piontkowski, G Walters, ...
Nature materials 17 (6), 550-556, 2018
Multi-site electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution in neutral media by destabilization of water molecules
CT Dinh, A Jain, FPG de Arquer, P De Luna, J Li, N Wang, X Zheng, J Cai, ...
Nature Energy 4 (2), 107-114, 2019
Strongly anisotropic in-plane thermal transport in single-layer black phosphorene
A Jain, AJH McGaughey
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8501, 2015
Experimental investigations and optimization of surface roughness in turning of en 36 alloy steel using response surface methodology and genetic algorithm
V Panwar, DK Sharma, KVP Kumar, A Jain, C Thakar
materials today: proceedings 46, 6474-6481, 2021
Human N-methyl D-aspartate receptor antibodies alter memory and behaviour in mice
J Planagumà, F Leypoldt, F Mannara, J Gutiérrez-Cuesta, E Martín-García, ...
Brain 138 (1), 94-109, 2015
Modeling and optimizing of different quality characteristics in electrical discharge drilling of titanium alloy (Grade-5) sheet
A Jain, AK Pandey
Materials Today: Proceedings 18, 182-191, 2019
Continuous-wave lasing in colloidal quantum dot solids enabled by facet-selective epitaxy
F Fan, O Voznyy, RP Sabatini, KT Bicanic, MM Adachi, JR McBride, ...
Nature 544 (7648), 75-79, 2017
A polymorphism in CALHM1 influences Ca2+ homeostasis, Aβ levels, and Alzheimer's disease risk
U Dreses-Werringloer, JC Lambert, V Vingtdeux, H Zhao, H Vais, ...
Cell 133 (7), 1149-1161, 2008
Acute mechanisms underlying antibody effects in anti–N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptor encephalitis
EH Moscato, X Peng, A Jain, TD Parsons, J Dalmau, RJ Balice‐Gordon
Annals of neurology 76 (1), 108-119, 2014
Fighting against phishing attacks: state of the art and future challenges
BB Gupta, A Tewari, AK Jain, DP Agrawal
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 3629-3654, 2017
Ciprofloxacin: review on developments in synthetic, analytical, and medicinal aspects
PC Sharma, A Jain, S Jain, R Pahwa, MS Yar
Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 25 (4), 577-589, 2010
A survey of DDoS attacking techniques and defence mechanisms in the IoT network
R Vishwakarma, AK Jain
Telecommunication systems 73 (1), 3-25, 2020
Highly emissive green perovskite nanocrystals in a solid state crystalline matrix
LN Quan, R Quintero‐Bermudez, O Voznyy, G Walters, A Jain, JZ Fan, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (21), 1605945, 2017
Multiple quality optimizations in electrical discharge drilling of mild steel sheet
A Jain, AK Pandey
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (8), 7252-7261, 2017
Fluoroquinolone antibacterials: a review on chemistry, microbiology and therapeutic prospects
PC Sharma, A Jain, S Jain
Acta Pol Pharm 66 (6), 587-604, 2009
In vitro release kinetics model fitting of liposomes: An insight
A Jain, SK Jain
Chemistry and physics of lipids 201, 28-40, 2016
Pure Cubic‐Phase Hybrid Iodobismuthates AgBi2I7 for Thin‐Film Photovoltaics
Y Kim, Z Yang, A Jain, O Voznyy, GH Kim, M Liu, LN Quan, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (33), 9586-9590, 2016
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مقالات 1–20