John Wambaugh
John Wambaugh
US EPA, Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The CompTox Chemistry Dashboard: a community data resource for environmental chemistry
AJ Williams, CM Grulke, J Edwards, AD McEachran, K Mansouri, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 9, 1-27, 2017
ToxCast chemical landscape: paving the road to 21st century toxicology
AM Richard, RS Judson, KA Houck, CM Grulke, P Volarath, ...
Chemical research in toxicology 29 (8), 1225-1251, 2016
Integration of dosimetry, exposure, and high-throughput screening data in chemical toxicity assessment
BA Wetmore, JF Wambaugh, SS Ferguson, MA Sochaski, DM Rotroff, ...
Toxicological Sciences 125 (1), 157-174, 2012
Incorporating Human Dosimetry and Exposure into High-Throughput In Vitro Toxicity Screening
DM Rotroff, BA Wetmore, DJ Dix, SS Ferguson, HJ Clewell, KA Houck, ...
Toxicological Sciences 117 (2), 348-358, 2010
Toxicity testing in the 21st century: progress in the past decade and future perspectives
D Krewski, ME Andersen, MG Tyshenko, K Krishnan, T Hartung, ...
Archives of toxicology 94, 1-58, 2020
Incorporating High-Throughput Exposure Predictions With Dosimetry-Adjusted In Vitro Bioactivity to Inform Chemical Toxicity Testing
BA Wetmore, JF Wambaugh, B Allen, SS Ferguson, MA Sochaski, ...
Toxicological Sciences 148 (1), 121-136, 2015
httk: R package for high-throughput toxicokinetics
RG Pearce, RW Setzer, CL Strope, NS Sipes, JF Wambaugh
Journal of statistical software 79, 1-26, 2017
The next generation blueprint of computational toxicology at the US Environmental Protection Agency
RS Thomas, T Bahadori, TJ Buckley, J Cowden, C Deisenroth, ...
Toxicological Sciences 169 (2), 317-332, 2019
Editor's Highlight: Analysis of the Effects of Cell Stress and Cytotoxicity on In Vitro Assay Activity Across a Diverse Chemical and Assay Space
R Judson, K Houck, M Martin, AM Richard, TB Knudsen, I Shah, S Little, ...
Toxicological Sciences 152 (2), 323-339, 2016
High-throughput models for exposure-based chemical prioritization in the ExpoCast project
JF Wambaugh, RW Setzer, DM Reif, S Gangwal, J Mitchell-Blackwood, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (15), 8479-8488, 2013
Superconducting fluxon pumps and lenses
JF Wambaugh, C Reichhardt, CJ Olson, F Marchesoni, F Nori
Physical Review Letters 83 (24), 5106, 1999
High throughput heuristics for prioritizing human exposure to environmental chemicals
JF Wambaugh, A Wang, KL Dionisio, A Frame, P Egeghy, R Judson, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (21), 12760-12767, 2014
In vitro to in vivo extrapolation for high throughput prioritization and decision making
SM Bell, X Chang, JF Wambaugh, DG Allen, M Bartels, KLR Brouwer, ...
Toxicology in vitro 47, 213-227, 2018
Integrating tools for non-targeted analysis research and chemical safety evaluations at the US EPA
JR Sobus, JF Wambaugh, KK Isaacs, AJ Williams, AD McEachran, ...
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 28 (5), 411-426, 2018
From the exposome to mechanistic understanding of chemical-induced adverse effects
BI Escher, J Hackermüller, T Polte, S Scholz, A Aigner, R Altenburger, ...
Environment international 99, 97-106, 2017
Linking high resolution mass spectrometry data with exposure and toxicity forecasts to advance high-throughput environmental monitoring
JE Rager, MJ Strynar, S Liang, RL McMahen, AM Richard, CM Grulke, ...
Environment international 88, 269-280, 2016
Toxicokinetic triage for environmental chemicals
JF Wambaugh, BA Wetmore, R Pearce, C Strope, R Goldsmith, JP Sluka, ...
Toxicological Sciences 147 (1), 55-67, 2015
An intuitive approach for predicting potential human health risk with the Tox21 10k library
NS Sipes, JF Wambaugh, R Pearce, SS Auerbach, BA Wetmore, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (18), 10786-10796, 2017
Evaluating In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation of Toxicokinetics
JF Wambaugh, MF Hughes, CL Ring, DK MacMillan, J Ford, TR Fennell, ...
Toxicological Sciences 163 (1), 152-169, 2018
Exploring consumer exposure pathways and patterns of use for chemicals in the environment
KL Dionisio, AM Frame, MR Goldsmith, JF Wambaugh, A Liddell, ...
Toxicology reports 2, 228-237, 2015
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مقالات 1–20