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IEEE transactions on power electronics 23 (2), 771-781, 2008
578 2008 Three-port bidirectional converter for hybrid fuel cell systems JL Duarte, M Hendrix, MG Simões
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 22 (2), 480-487, 2007
535 2007 Three-port triple-half-bridge bidirectional converter with zero-voltage switching H Tao, JL Duarte, MAM Hendrix
IEEE transactions on power electronics 23 (2), 782-792, 2008
508 2008 Performance of reconstruction and identification of tau leptons decaying to hadrons and nu (tau) in pp collisions at√ s= 13 TeV AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
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503 2018 The epidemiology of sepsis in Brazilian intensive care units (the Sepsis PREvalence Assessment Database, SPREAD): an observational study FR Machado, AB Cavalcanti, FA Bozza, EM Ferreira, FSA Carrara, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 17 (11), 1180-1189, 2017
410 2017 Pliant active and reactive power control for grid-interactive converters under unbalanced voltage dips F Wang, JL Duarte, MAM Hendrix
IEEE transactions on power electronics 26 (5), 1511-1521, 2010
409 2010 Modeling and analysis of grid harmonic distortion impact of aggregated DG inverters F Wang, JL Duarte, MAM Hendrix, PF Ribeiro
IEEE transactions on power electronics 26 (3), 786-797, 2010
366 2010 Grid-interfacing converter systems with enhanced voltage quality for microgrid application—Concept and implementation F Wang, JL Duarte, MAM Hendrix
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 26 (12), 3501-3513, 2011
331 2011 Line-interactive UPS using a fuel cell as the primary source H Tao, JL Duarte, MAM Hendrix
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190 2004 A soft-switched three-port bidirectional converter for fuel cell and supercapacitor applications H Tao, A Kotsopoulos, JL Duarte, MAM Hendrix
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IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 46 (3), 628-630, 1999
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