Sergei Sheiko
Sergei Sheiko
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Cylindrical molecular brushes: Synthesis, characterization, and properties
SS Sheiko, BS Sumerlin, K Matyjaszewski
Progress in Polymer Science 33 (7), 759-785, 2008
Controlling polymer shape through the self-assembly of dendritic side-groups
V Percec, CH Ahn, G Ungar, DJP Yeardley, M Möller, SS Sheiko
Nature 391 (6663), 161-164, 1998
The synthesis of densely grafted copolymers by atom transfer radical polymerization
KL Beers, SG Gaynor, K Matyjaszewski, SS Sheiko, M Möller
Macromolecules 31 (26), 9413-9415, 1998
Stimuli-responsive molecular brushes
H Lee, J Pietrasik, SS Sheiko, K Matyjaszewski
Progress in polymer science 35 (1-2), 24-44, 2010
Solvent-free, supersoft and superelastic bottlebrush melts and networks
WFM Daniel, J Burdyńska, M Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, ...
Nature materials 15 (2), 183-189, 2016
Weak hydrogen bonding enables hard, strong, tough, and elastic hydrogels
X Hu, M Vatankhah‐Varnoosfaderani, J Zhou, Q Li, SS Sheiko
Advanced materials 27 (43), 6899-6905, 2015
Synthesis of molecular brushes with block copolymer side chains using atom transfer radical polymerization
HG Börner, K Beers, K Matyjaszewski, SS Sheiko, M Möller
Macromolecules 34 (13), 4375-4383, 2001
Chameleon-like elastomers with molecularly encoded strain-adaptive stiffening and coloration
M Vatankhah-Varnosfaderani, AN Keith, Y Cong, H Liang, M Rosenthal, ...
Science 359 (6383), 1509-1513, 2018
Visualization of macromolecules a first step to manipulation and controlled response
SS Sheiko, M Möller
Chemical Reviews 101 (12), 4099-4124, 2001
Adsorption-induced scission of carbon–carbon bonds
SS Sheiko, FC Sun, A Randall, D Shirvanyants, M Rubinstein, H Lee, ...
Nature 440 (7081), 191-194, 2006
Densely-grafted and double-grafted PEO brushes via ATRP. A route to soft elastomers
D Neugebauer, Y Zhang, T Pakula, SS Sheiko, K Matyjaszewski
Macromolecules 36 (18), 6746-6755, 2003
Visualizable cylindrical macromolecules with controlled stiffness from backbones containing libraries of self-assembling dendritic side groups
V Percec, CH Ahn, WD Cho, AM Jamieson, J Kim, T Leman, M Schmidt, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 120 (34), 8619-8631, 1998
Mimicking biological stress–strain behaviour with synthetic elastomers
M Vatankhah-Varnosfaderani, WFM Daniel, MH Everhart, AA Pandya, ...
Nature 549 (7673), 497-501, 2017
Diblock copolymer micelles in a dilute solution
EB Zhulina, M Adam, I LaRue, SS Sheiko, M Rubinstein
Macromolecules 38 (12), 5330-5351, 2005
Main chain conformation and anomalous elution behavior of cylindrical brushes as revealed by GPC/MALLS, light scattering, and SFM
M Gerle, K Fischer, S Roos, AHE Müller, M Schmidt, SS Sheiko, ...
Macromolecules 32 (8), 2629-2637, 1999
Molecular bottlebrushes as novel materials
G Xie, MR Martinez, M Olszewski, SS Sheiko, K Matyjaszewski
Biomacromolecules 20 (1), 27-54, 2018
Thermo-sensitive polymers in medicine: A review
P Zarrintaj, M Jouyandeh, MR Ganjali, BS Hadavand, M Mozafari, ...
European Polymer Journal 117, 402-423, 2019
Ion-stabilized block copolymer micelles: film formation and intermicellar interaction
JP Spatz, S Sheiko, M Möller
Macromolecules 29 (9), 3220-3226, 1996
Molecular structure of bottlebrush polymers in melts
J Paturej, SS Sheiko, S Panyukov, M Rubinstein
Science advances 2 (11), e1601478, 2016
Effect of initiation conditions on the uniformity of three-arm star molecular brushes
K Matyjaszewski, S Qin, JR Boyce, D Shirvanyants, SS Sheiko
Macromolecules 36 (6), 1843-1849, 2003
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مقالات 1–20