Lauren Cattaneo
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The process of empowerment: a model for use in research and practice.
LB Cattaneo, AR Chapman
American psychologist 65 (7), 646, 2010
Barriers to help seeking for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer survivors of intimate partner violence
JM Calton, LB Cattaneo, KT Gebhard
Trauma, violence, & abuse 17 (5), 585-600, 2016
Court-involved battered women's responses to violence: The role of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse
MA Dutton, LA Goodman, L Bennett
Violence and victims 14 (1), 89, 1999
Risk factors for reabuse in intimate partner violence: A cross-disciplinary critical review
LB Cattaneo, LA Goodman
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 6 (2), 141-175, 2005
What is empowerment anyway? A model for domestic violence practice, research, and evaluation.
LB Cattaneo, LA Goodman
Psychology of Violence 5 (1), 84, 2015
Systemic obstacles to the criminal prosecution of a battering partner: A victim perspective
L Bennett, L Goodman, MA Dutton
Journal of interpersonal violence 14 (7), 761-772, 1999
Predicting repeat abuse among arrested batterers: Use of the Danger Assessment Scale in the criminal justice system
LA Goodman, MA Dutton, L Bennett
Journal of interpersonal violence 15 (1), 63-74, 2000
A transconceptual model of empowerment and resilience: Divergence, convergence and interactions in kindred community concepts
AE Brodsky, LB Cattaneo
American journal of community psychology 52, 333-346, 2013
Through the lens of therapeutic jurisprudence: The relationship between empowerment in the court system and well-being for intimate partner violence victims
L Bennett Cattaneo, LA Goodman
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 25 (3), 481-502, 2010
Obstacles to victims’ cooperation with the criminal prosecution of their abusers: The role of social support
L Goodman, L Bennett, MA Dutton
Violence and victims 14 (4), 427-444, 1999
Intimate partner violence victims’ accuracy in assessing their risk of re-abuse
LB Cattaneo, ME Bell, LA Goodman, MA Dutton
Journal of family violence 22, 429-440, 2007
Key roles of community connectedness in healing from trauma.
K Schultz, LB Cattaneo, C Sabina, L Brunner, S Jackson, JV Serrata
Psychology of violence 6 (1), 42, 2016
Survivor-defined practice in domestic violence work: Measure development and preliminary evidence of link to empowerment
LA Goodman, K Thomas, LB Cattaneo, D Heimel, J Woulfe, SK Chong
Journal of interpersonal violence 31 (1), 163-185, 2016
Victim‐reported risk factors for continued abusive behavior: Assessing the dangerousness of arrested batterers
LB Cattaneo, LA Goodman
Journal of community psychology 31 (4), 349-369, 2003
Assessing the risk of future psychological abuse: Predicting the accuracy of battered women’s predictions
ME Bell, LB Cattaneo, LA Goodman, MA Dutton
Journal of Family Violence 23, 69-80, 2008
Deciding where to turn: A qualitative investigation of college students’ helpseeking decisions after sexual assault
HLM DeLoveh, LB Cattaneo
American journal of community psychology 59 (1-2), 65-79, 2017
Advancing domestic violence program evaluation: Development and validation of the Measure of Victim Empowerment Related to Safety (MOVERS).
LA Goodman, LB Cattaneo, K Thomas, J Woulfe, SK Chong, KF Smyth
Psychology of Violence 5 (4), 355, 2015
Describing intimate partner stalking over time: An effort to inform victim-centered service provision
L Bennett Cattaneo, S Cho, S Botuck
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26 (17), 3428-3454, 2011
The role of socioeconomic status in helpseeking from hotlines, shelters, and police among a national sample of women experiencing intimate partner violence
LB Cattaneo, HLM DeLoveh
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 78 (4), 413-422, 2008
Risk assessment among batterers arrested for domestic assault: The salience of psychological abuse
L Bennett, L Goodman, MA Dutton
Violence Against Women 6 (11), 1190-1203, 2000
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مقالات 1–20