Arjen de Wit
Arjen de Wit
Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Government Support and Charitable Donations: A Meta-Analysis of the Crowding-out Hypothesis
A de Wit, R Bekkers
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27 (2), 301-319, 2017
Volunteering and wellbeing among ageing adults: A longitudinal analysis
AR Russell, A Nyame-Mensah, A de Wit, F Handy
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 30 …, 2019
Exploring gender differences in charitable giving: the Dutch case
A De Wit, R Bekkers
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 45 (4), 741-761, 2016
Beyond service production: Volunteering for social innovation
A de Wit, W Mensink, T Einarsson, R Bekkers
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 48 (2_suppl), 52S-71S, 2019
Heterogeneity in Crowding-out: When Are Charitable Donations Responsive to Government Support?
A De Wit, R Bekkers, M Broese van Groenou
European Sociological Review 33 (1), 59-71, 2017
Global philanthropy: Does institutional context matter for charitable giving?
P Wiepking, F Handy, S Park, M Neumayr, R Bekkers, B Breeze, A De Wit, ...
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 50 (4), 697-728, 2021
Do government expenditures shift private philanthropic donations to particular fields of welfare? Evidence from cross-country data
A De Wit, M Neumayr, F Handy, P Wiepking
European Sociological Review 34 (1), 6-21, 2018
Geven in Nederland 2015: Giften, Nalatenschappen, Sponsoring en Vrijwilligerswerk
R Bekkers, T Schuyt, B Gouwenberg
Reed Business BV, 2015
Geven in Nederland 2013: Giften, Nalatenschappen, Sponsoring en Vrijwilligerswerk
T Schuyt, B Gouwenberg, R Bekkers
Reed Business BV, 2013
The health advantage of volunteering is larger for older and less healthy volunteers in Europe: a mega-analysis
A de Wit, H Qu, R Bekkers
European journal of ageing 19 (4), 1189-1200, 2022
Computational social science for nonprofit studies: Developing a toolbox and knowledge base for the field
J Ma, IA Ebeid, A de Wit, M Xu, Y Yang, R Bekkers, P Wiepking
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 1-12, 2021
Can Charitable Donations Compensate for a Reduction in Government Funding? The Role of Information
A de Wit, R Bekkers
Public Administration Review 80 (2), 294-304, 2020
Welfare impacts of participation
A De Wit, R Bekkers, D Karamat Ali, D Verkaik
Impact of the Third Sector as Social Innovation, 2015
Geven door huishoudens
R Bekkers, A Wit
Reed Business Education, 2013
Participation in volunteering: what helps and hinders
R Bekkers, A De Wit
http://itssoin.eu/site/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ITSSOIN_D3_1_Participation …, 2014
(In) Equality through unrestricted grantmaking: Examining trust and power in the collaboration between the Dutch charity lotteries and their grantees
O Hunnik, A De Wit, P Wiepking
Crowding-out or crowding-in: The dynamics of different revenue streams
A De Wit, R Bekkers, P Wiepking
Financing Nonprofit Organizations, 83-96, 2020
Twenty Years of Generosity in the Netherlands
R Bekkers, A De Wit, S Felix
Paper presentert på Annual ARNOVA Conference 16, 18, 2018
Unrestricted funding and nonprofit capacities: Developing a conceptual model
P Wiepking, A de Wit
Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 2024
Giving in the Netherlands Panel Survey: User Manual
R Bekkers, E Boonstoppel, A De Wit
http://test.giving.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/GINPS_user_manual_v2_5.pdf, 2016
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مقالات 1–20