Use of augmented reality in chemistry education PP Nechypurenko, TV Starova, TV Selivanova, AO Tomilina, AD Uchitel Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Augmented Reality in …, 2018 | 141 | 2018 |
Development and implementation of educational resources in chemistry with elements of augmented reality PP Nechypurenko, VG Stoliarenko, TV Starova, TV Selivanova, ... Arnold E. Kiv, Mariya P. Shyshkina, 2020 | 121 | 2020 |
Development of career guidance quests using WebAR DS Shepiliev, SO Semerikov, YV Yechkalo, VV Tkachuk, OM Markova, ... Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1840 (1), 012028, 2021 | 94 | 2021 |
Using the cloud-oriented virtual chemical laboratory VLab in teaching the solution of experimental problems in chemistry of 9th grade students PP Nechypurenko, TV Selivanova, MP Chernova Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on ICT in Education …, 2019 | 83 | 2019 |
Methods of using mobile internet devices in the formation of the general professional component of bachelor in electro-mechanics competency in modeling of technical objects YO Modlo, S Semerikov, RPS Shajda, ST Tolmachev, OM Markova, ... Ceur workshop proceedings 2643, 500-534, 2020 | 59 | 2020 |
WebAR development tools: An overview DS Shepiliev, YO Modlo, YV Yechkalo, VV Tkachuk, M Mintii, IS Mintii, ... Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop for Young Scientists in Computer Science …, 2021 | 58 | 2021 |
Virtual Chemical Laboratories as a Tools of Supporting the Learning Research Activity of Students in Chemistry While Studying the Topic" Solutions". P Nechypurenko, O Evangelist, T Selivanova, YO Modlo ICTERI Workshops, 984-995, 2020 | 46 | 2020 |
Quantum enhanced machine learning: An overview PV Zahorodko, YO Modlo, OO Kalinichenko, TV Selivanova, S Semerikov CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
The use of augmented reality in chemistry lessons in the study of “Oxygen-containing organic compounds” using the mobile application Blippar DA Karnishyna, TV Selivanova, PP Nechypurenko, TV Starova, ... Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2288 (1), 012018, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Інформаційно-комунікаційні засоби формування дослідницьких компетентностей учнів у профільному навчанні хімії ПП Нечипуренко, СО Семеріков, СА Семериков, ТВ Селіванова, ... Інститут інформаційних технологій і засобів навчання НАПН України, 2016 | 15 | 2016 |
Using the virtual chemical laboratories in teaching the solution of experimental problems in chemistry of 9th grade students while studying the topic “Solutions” P Nechypurenko, T Selivanova, M Chernova, O Evangelist, Y Modlo, ... Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology 1 …, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Analysis of some aspects of the implementation of the integrated course “Science” in the educational process of schools in Ukraine PP Nechypurenko, TV Selivanova, NY Fedorynova Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1840 (1), 012037, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Enhancing student research activities through virtual chemical laboratories: a case study on the topic of Solutions PP Nechypurenko, MP Chernova, OO Evangelist, TV Selivanova Educational Technology Quarterly 2023 (2), 188-209, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Visual test determination of trace amounts of germanium in the form of an ionic associate of 12-molybdogermanate with astrafloxin T Selivanova, A Vishnikin, L Tsiganok E3S Web of Conferences 166, 01013, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Ионные ассоциаты SiMo12O40 4-с трифенилметановыми красителями в сорбционноцветометрическом и визуально-тестовом определении кремния ТВ Селиванова, АБ Вишникин, ЛП Цыганок Методы и объекты хим. анализа 4 (1), 18-22, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
Enhancing high school students' understanding of molecular geometry with augmented reality DA Karnishyna, TV Selivanova, PP Nechypurenko, TV Starova, ... Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Sorption—spectrophotometric and visual test determination of trace silicon as an ion associate of 12-molybdosilicate with crystal violet TV Selivanova, AB Vishnikin, LP Tsyganok Journal of Analytical Chemistry 65, 142-147, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |
Сорбционно-, СФ-и визуально-тестовое определение микроколичеств кремния в виде ИА 12-молибдосиликата с кристалич. фиолетовым ÀÁ Âèøíèêèí Журн. аналит. химии 65 (2), 147-152, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |
Use of augmented reality in chemistry education П Нечипуренко, Т Старова, Т Селіванова, А Томіліна, О Учитель Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education 51, 25-36, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |