MoonYoung Choi
MoonYoung Choi
Samsung Electronics
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Encryption/decryption method and apparatus for controlling content use based on license information
S Lee, M Kim, S Han, Y Yoon, JH Lee, B Kim, M Choi
US Patent 8,005,758, 2011
Method and system for effective communication between a child piconet coordinator and a target device
S Hong, M Choi, I Kim
US Patent App. 10/944,180, 2005
Virtual system and method of restricting use of contents in the virtual system
CS Ahn, J Shin, S Suh, SM Lee, KA Chang, M Choi, Y Choi
US Patent App. 12/413,621, 2009
A CPCH access method for prioritized services in W-CDMA
MY Choi, YD Yao, H Heffes
IEEE communications letters 8 (1), 9-11, 2004
Throughput analysis of a class of selective repeat ARQ with multi-copy retransmissions
MY Choi, YD Yao, H Heffes
IEEE VTS 53rd Vehicular Technology Conference, Spring 2001. Proceedings (Cat …, 2001
A CPCH access method for prioritized services
MY Choi, YD Yao, K Parsa, E Kanterakis
Vehicular Technology Conference. IEEE 55th Vehicular Technology Conference …, 2002
Wireless Communication
WCY Lee, YH Kwon, MY Choi, YD Yao, H Heffes, A Sanei, A Ghrayeb, ...
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5 (7), 2006
Method and apparatus for transmitting copy control information
C Kim, M Choi, J Park, Y Choi, G Jun
US Patent App. 11/188,714, 2006
Method of packaging broadcast contents
S Lee, M Kim, S Han, Y Yoon, JH Lee, B Kim, M Choi
US Patent 8,301,571, 2012
Performance evaluation of CPCH with a geometrically-distributed message length in W-CDMA
MY Choi, YD Yao, H Heffes
The 57th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003 …, 2003
Discrete-time analysis of a CPCH access scheme in W-CDMA
MY Choi, YD Yao, H Heffes
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 5 (7), 1575-1578, 2006
Performance analysis of NAK-based ARQ in correlated-error channels
MY Choi, YD Yao, H Heffes
IEEE 54th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC Fall 2001. Proceedings (Cat …, 2001
Retransmission protocol designs and analyses for high speed packet access in 3G systems
MY Choi
Stevens Institute of Technology, 2003
MY Choi, YD Yao, H Heffes
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مقالات 1–14