Pablo A. Parrilo
Pablo A. Parrilo
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على mit.edu - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Guaranteed minimum-rank solutions of linear matrix equations via nuclear norm minimization
B Recht, M Fazel, PA Parrilo
SIAM Review 52 (3), 471-501, 2010
Structured semidefinite programs and semialgebraic geometry methods in robustness and optimization
PA Parrilo
California Institute of Technology, 2000
Constrained consensus and optimization in multi-agent networks
A Nedic, A Ozdaglar, PA Parrilo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (4), 922-938, 2010
Semidefinite programming relaxations for semialgebraic problems
PA Parrilo
Mathematical Programming 96 (2), 293-320, 2003
The convex geometry of linear inverse problems
V Chandrasekaran, B Recht, PA Parrilo, AS Willsky
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 12 (6), 805-849, 2010
Rank-sparsity incoherence for matrix decomposition
V Chandrasekaran, S Sanghavi, PA Parrilo, AS Willsky
SIAM Journal on Optimization 21, 572, 2011
Semidefinite Optimization and Convex Algebraic Geometry
G Blekherman, P Parrilo, R Thomas
SIAM 13, xix + 471, 2011
Introducing SOSTOOLS: A general purpose sum of squares programming solver
S Prajna, A Papachristodoulou, PA Parrilo
Decision and Control, 2002, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on 1 …, 2002
Latent variable graphical model selection via convex optimization
V Chandrasekaran, PA Parrilo, AS Willsky
Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2010 48th Annual Allerton …, 2010
SOSTOOLS: Sum of squares optimization toolbox for MATLAB
S Prajna, A Papachristodoulou, P Seiler, PA Parrilo
Users guide, 2004
Complete family of separability criteria
AC Doherty, PA Parrilo, FM Spedalieri
Physical Review A 69 (2), 022308, 2004
Minimizing polynomial functions
PA Parrilo, B Sturmfels
Algorithmic and quantitative real algebraic geometry, DIMACS Series in …, 2003
Symmetry groups, semidefinite programs, and sums of squares
K Gatermann, PA Parrilo
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 192 (1), 95-128, 2004
Distinguishing separable and entangled states
AC Doherty, PA Parrilo, FM Spedalieri
Physical Review Letters 88 (18), 187904, 2002
Nonlinear control synthesis by convex optimization
S Prajna, PA Parrilo, A Rantzer
Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 49 (2), 310-314, 2004
Positive polynomials in control
D Henrion, A Garulli
Springer-Verlag New York Inc, 2005
Optimality of affine policies in multi-stage robust optimization
D Bertsimas, DA Iancu, PA Parrilo
Decision and Control, 2009 held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control …, 2009
SOSTOOLS: Sum of squares optimization toolbox for MATLAB
A Papachristodoulou, J Anderson, G Valmorbida, S Prajna, P Seiler, ...
Stability and robustness analysis of nonlinear systems via contraction metrics and SOS programming
EM Aylward, PA Parrilo, JJE Slotine
Automatica 44 (8), 2163-2170, 2008
Flows and decompositions of games: Harmonic and potential games
O Candogan, I Menache, A Ozdaglar, PA Parrilo
Mathematics of Operations Research 36 (3), 474-503, 2011
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مقالات 1–20