Pedro Olinto
Pedro Olinto
انتساب غير معروف
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على worldbank.org
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Getting institutions “right” for whom? Credit constraints and the impact of property rights on the quantity and composition of investment
MR Carter, P Olinto
american Journal of agricultural Economics 85 (1), 173-186, 2003
Asset distribution, inequality, and growth
K Deininger, P Olinto
Inequality, and Growth (November 1999), 1999
Monetary incentives in primary health care and effects on use and coverage of preventive health care interventions in rural Honduras: cluster randomised trial
SS Morris, R Flores, P Olinto, JM Medina
The Lancet 364 (9450), 2030-2037, 2004
The state of the poor: Where are the poor, where is extreme poverty harder to end, and what is the current profile of the world’s poor
P Olinto, K Beegle, C Sobrado, H Uematsu
Economic premise 125 (2), 1-8, 2013
Conditional cash transfers are associated with a small reduction in the rate of weight gain of preschool children in northeast Brazil
SS Morris, P Olinto, R Flores, EAF Nilson, AC Figueiró
The Journal of nutrition 134 (9), 2336-2341, 2004
Rural nonfarm employment and income diversification in Colombia
K Deininger, P Olinto
World Development 29 (3), 455-465, 2001
Evaluating the impact of conditional cash transfers on schooling: An experimental analysis of Honduras’ PRAF program
P Glewwe, P Olinto
Unpublished manuscript, University of Minnesota, 2004
Doing business 2016: Measuring regulatory quality and efficiency
World Bank, World Bank Group
World Bank Group, 2016
Why liberalization alone has not improved agricultural productivity in Zambia: The role of asset ownership and working capital constraints
KW Deininger, P Olinto
World Bank Publications, 2000
Conditional cash transfers: reducing present and future poverty-overview
A Fiszbein, N Schady, FHG Ferreira, M Grosh, N Keleher, P Olinto, ...
The World Bank, 2009
The impact of access to free childcare on women's labor market outcomes: evidence from a randomized trial in low-income neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro
RP Barros, P Olinto, T Lunde, M Caralho
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: World …, 2013
Gender bias in intrahousehold allocation: Evidence from an unintentional experiment
LHB Braido, P Olinto, H Perrone
Review of Economics and Statistics 94 (2), 552-565, 2012
Redistribution, investment, and human capital accumulation: the case of agrarian reform in the Philippines
K Deininger, M Maertens, P Olinto
The World Bank, 2000
Do the ‘poor but efficient’survive in the land market? Capital access and land accumulation in Paraguay
MR Carter, P Olinto
Proceedings of the XXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies …, 1998
Public childcare, labor market outcomes of caregivers, and child development: Experimental evidence from brazil
O Attanasio, RP De Barros, P Carneiro, DK Evans, L Lima, P Olinto, ...
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
The state of the poor: where are the poor and where are they the poorest?
P Olinto, H Uematsu
Transferencias monetarias condicionadas: reduccion de la pobreza actual y future
A Fiszbein, N Schady, FHG Ferreira, M Grosh, N Keleher, P Olinto, ...
The World Bank, 2009
The impact of access to free childcare on women’s labor market outcomes: evidence from a randomized trial in low-income neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro
R Paes de Barros, P Olinto, T Lunde, M Carvalho
World Bank, Washington, DC. Unpublished. Available at http://siteresources …, 2011
Getting Institutions Right for Whom? The Wealth Differentiated Impact of Property Rights Reform on Investment and Income in Rural Paraguay
M Carter, P Olinto
Unpublished mimeo, 1996
Accelerating poverty reduction in a less poor world: The roles of growth and inequality
P Olinto, G Lara Ibarra, J Saavedra-Chanduvi
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014
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مقالات 1–20